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Owners--would you buy an 830 again?

Just before BCBS cut the Edge units from their discount program, I managed to snag one for 35% off.

The deal seemed too good to pass up, and although I own a dead reliable Fenix 1 and Cyclo 505, those units are pretty old and I justified upgrading due to the discount price on an 830.

I worked all weekend, so my unit is sitting on my stairs in a box, unopened.  Now that I have some free time, I've been perusing forums and Reddit, and have noticed a pretty significant amount of seeming dissatisfaction with the 830.  Seem to be a lot of complaints / issues / bugs.

Now, part of this may be the internet syndrome where things look worse than reality because the vocally unhappy people can be over represented on forums.  On the other hand, maybe the units really are unacceptably buggy.

So, I have the option of opening my package and dealing with any issues that come along, or returning the 830 to Garmin and either sticking with my outdated but reliable gear.

What say you, 830 folks?  Are things that bad in 830 Land, or at this point in time are the bugs getting ironed out and most owners happy that they bought the thing?

In other words, knowing what you know now, would you purchase again, or go in another direction?


  • Yes of course. No problem.

  • Well, for me the majority of features does work quite well. However, I mainly use my Edge 830 on the road instead of using it off road.

    What I do not like that much is the integration of Komoot. This ist somewhat - lets say - cumbersome und inconvenient.

    And I would like to see a more powerful CPU and GPU. Compared to e.g. an Apple Watch the Edge 830 is really laggy and slow, if you know what I mean. ;) On the other hand, the battery lasts very long.

  • No way, never I would buy agian . GARMIN bring back my money please

  • No. It’s been out for long enough and I still have constant issues with bluetooth, syncing and random errors. Today’s ride had no GPS data for who knows what reason. I’m abandoning the brand on my next computer for a company that is more focused on simplicity and reliability. At least once a month this thing does something unexpected and forces me into forums. And I literally only use it to measure rides. I stopped using the maps after the third time it told me to u-turn on a ride when I was on the right road. Had it completely freeze on me once and lost the last half of my ride. Have had to remove and re-pair all my other Garmin devices after one morning where nothing was detected. Have a 100% failure rate activating Strava live track or whatever it’s called. Am now trying to figure out why my latest rides no longer have GPS data on my rides and therefore no segment information. Garmin connect is itself unreliable and a useless extra step ... I’ve occasionally had to wait hours for a sync to actually work. And so many other random bugs during syncing where the forum answer is always delete everything and resync from scratch. Eventually pulling files of the device manually and uploading them myself. Oh, but only two files since everything before and after those rides sync fine. Garmin is a mess honestly and I’m shocked these things get recommended.