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New Edge 830 Public Beta 3.57 Now Available

A new Beta software for the Edge 830 has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found here.

  • If you experience problems with this build, our engineering team would like to hear about your experience so they can work toward resolving any remaining issues. Please visit the Garmin forum for the Edge 830. Please note that you may not get a response to the forum post unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Changes made from version 3.55 to 3.57:

  • Improved LiveTrack reliability.
  • Improved overall device stability.

Installation Instructions

  1. Connect your Edge 830 device to your computer using the micro-USB cable.
  2. Download and unzip and place the GUPDATE.gcd file in the \Garmin folder of your device's internal storage drive.
  3. Disconnect your device from the computer, approve the update on the Edge, and wait for the update to finish.
  4. If you would like to revert to the last public release software, follow the above steps but place the GUPDATE-350.GCD file in the \Garmin folder. Rename the file to GUPDATE.GCD before disconnecting your device.
    NOTE: If you revert to an older version of software, all of your settings will be reset to defaults.
  • I decided to reset my 830 because I was having problems downloading RWGPS routes.  I cleared the BT connections, went through the setup, and figured all was OK.  Connect is showing the device on my iphone as connected.  However, when I go into the IQ store to redownload RWGPS, it's unable to connect to the phone.  It 'sees' that I have an 830, but unable to connect to it.  I've tried deleting the app and redownloaded it, but that hasn't helped.  Any suggestions?

  • Simply decided to delete everything and start over (apps, bluetooth connection).  Seems like it is back.  Would still be interested in an easier solution if one exists, in case the Connect IQ store decides it can no longer connect.