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Rides not uploading, says upload failed each time

Ive been trying to upload rides from my Garmin edge 520 plus to Garmin connect for three days! Apart from it driving the household round the bend, after trying all the usual suspects like disconnect, reconnect, change friendly name, turn Bluetooth off and back on etc, etc I/we have now reached a dead end with it all. Any advice, suggestions please?

  • IDK about the 520.  This is the 820 forum.  Also, you don't say what phone/OS you're using.  Anyway,  I would try uploading the activity via a usb cable to a computer running Garmin Express.  Alternatively, you can connect via USB cable to computer, and upload the activity file on the Garmin Connect website.  To get BT to work, I've had success forgetting BT connections on the phone and in Connect on the phone, uninstalling Connect on the phone, reinstalling Connect on the phone, and then going through the pairing process in the Connect app.

  • Thanks looigi, didn’t notice I was on the wrong forum! Have tried your suggestion to upload on computer but no joy with that either! So, back to the drawing board and I have posted the same question on the 520 Forum. Fingers crossed.

  • It may be your file is corrupted.  If so, it you might be able to fix it.  Check the following web-based repair tool: