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Connect more then one phone to Edge 530


I have one phone that I use for everyday use and a older phone that I use for cycling. In the Edge I can connect, via Garmin Connect APP to one phone, but I cannot connect to the other.

It seems that it can only be paired to one phone because in the Menu->Settings->Connected Features->Phone when I have one phone paired (but no connected) I cannot put the 530 in pairing mode again to connect to the other phone using the Garmin Connect APP.

In the APP of the phone that is not paired I can start the pairing process and I even can see the 530 in the Bluetooth menu of the phone, but the APP stops in the part of pairing the device, because the 530 is not in pairing mode.

I'm running 9.50 SW.

I can connect a Edge 130 and a Forerunner 55 in both phones. Is there a way to do the same with the 530?

Best regards