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New Edge 530 Public Beta 3.33 Now Available

A new Beta software for the Edge 530 has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found here.

Changes made from version 3.20 to 3.33:

  • Fixes connectivity issues that could have caused ANT+ or BLE sensors to lose connection and never reconnect.
  • Fixes an issue that caused Bluetooth communication to lock up, which could have affected phone connectivity and device power down.
  • Improved performance in GPS + GALILEO mode.


  • If you experience sensor or phone connectivity issues with this build, our engineering team would like to hear about your experience so they can work toward resolving any remaining issues. Please reply to this forum thread with the following information:
  1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using?
  2. How long into your ride did the issue occur?
  3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one?
  4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own?
  5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred?
    1. What sensors were connected over BLE?
  6. Did you have your phone connected?
    1. Is it Android or iOS?
    2. What version of GCM do you have?
    3. Were you using LiveTrack?
  7. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if possible.
  8. If you have a Garmin/Debugging directory on your device, please create a zip file with its contents and upload that if possible.
  • Please note that you may not get a response to the post unless we need more information on the issue you report. Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Installation Instructions

Connect your Edge 530 device to your computer using the micro-USB cable.

Download and unzip

Updating to Public Beta Software

To update device software, place the GUPDATE.GCD file in the \Garmin folder of your device's internal storage drive.

To update GPS firmware, place the 006B310700.GCD file in the \Garmin\RemoteSW folder of your device’s internal storage drive.

Disconnect your device from the computer, approve the update on the Edge, and wait for the update to finish.

Reverting to the Latest Public Release

If you would like to revert to the last public release software, place the GUPDATE-320.GCD file in the \Garmin folder. Rename the file to GUPDATE.GCD before disconnecting your device. 

To revert your GPS firmware, place the 006B310700-230.GCD file in the \Garmin\RemoteSW folder. Rename the file to 006B310700.GCD.

NOTE: If you revert to an older version of software, all your settings will be reset to defaults.

  • Garmin really, still no normal radar tone. It was back on 520+ some time ago.

  • - We are aware of this issue and working on a resolution. It seems to be very uncommon but would have also impacted SW version 3.20

  • - We will have a future release (July) that will give you an option to choose the radar alert tone.

  • My Edge 530 with 3.33 rebooted in the middle of a ride due to an incoming text or phone call:
    1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using?  3.33
    2. How long into your ride did the issue occur?  A couple of hours
    3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one?  The Edge rebooted due to an incoming text or phone call
    4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own? I only noticed the unit was rebooted when I saw that is was asking me save the ride.
    5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred?  RTL510, Varia Vision, Garmin HRM, SRM Power meter.  All of these were ANT+ only
      1. What sensors were connected over BLE?  None
    6. Did you have your phone connected? Yes
      1. Is it Android or iOS? iOS
      2. What version of GCM do you have?
      3. Were you using LiveTrack?  No
    7. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if possible.  Sent to [email protected]
      "product_name":"Edge 530",
      Function Address: 0x6044021C
         Call Address at Function: 0x60440234
      Function Address: 0x6043A694
         Call Address at Function: 0x6043A7AC
      Function Address: 0x6043B02E
         Call Address at Function: 0x6043B052
      Function Address: 0x6043B324
         Call Address at Function: 0x6043B422
      Function Address: 0x60137AE8
         Call Address at Function: 0x60137B3C
      Function Address: 0x60137B9C
         Call Address at Function: 0x60137BD8
      Function Address: 0x6011EFC8
         Call Address at Function: 0x6011FCBA
      Function Address: 0x60120B42
         Call Address at Function: 0x60120BA4
      Function Address: 0x605C71D8
         Call Address at Function: 0x605C72CC
      Function Address: 0x605C7A48
         Call Address at Function: 0x605C7AAC
      Function Address: 0x6058FD08
         Call Address at Function: 0x60590FEA
      Function Address: 0x60592960
         Call Address at Function: 0x60592970
      Function Address: 0x601F11D0
         Call Address at Function: 0x601F1664
      Function Address: 0x601F1BF8
         Call Address at Function: 0x601F1C64
      Function Address: 0x601F1C88
         Call Address at Function: 0x601F1D18
      Function Address: 0x603F2384
         Call Address at Function: 0x603F24A6
      "error_cause":"RTL Trap",
          "Commit ID":"e2f83e79913f1be2867d4c5173dfa3e2598c5be0",
          "Time":"2019-6-15 11:17:33",
          "Project Specific":"2019-6-15 11:17:33",
          "RTL Error Number":"6E5D8024",
          "Error Message":"626CF000,D0518180,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000002,00000000,00000001,00000000,00000030,621D55B0,621D55A4,D0518184,61ED8A58,6043A7AD,60440234,4000003F",
          "Task Name":"CDP main",
          "Saved SP":"61ED8A58",
          "Saved LR":"6043A7AD",
          "Saved PC":"60440234",
    8. If you have a .System\Diag directory on your device, please create a zip file with its contents and upload that if possible.
  • After one ride with the new FW seems to work much better. No dropouts or value freezes. GPS + Galileo is usable now, although unfortunately not more accurate that GPS + Glonass. I hope this gets improved further. Also the ClimbPro seemed to be much more usable now e.g. the profile shown and my location on it corresponded pretty much to the terrain.

  • Thanks for the report.  I have no sensor drops nor freezes, but I do have a phone connectivity issue that is unresolved with the 3.20.  I'm holding off trying the beta 3.33 because I'm afraid it might bring other issues such as freezes or reboots.  I'd hate to have the unit reboot in the middle of my ride.

  • I can confirm the Edge 530 rebooted with an incoming text message today.  

  • Thanks for the update.  I think I'll hold off on the beta for now.  The installation instruction says if you revert back to the public release you'll lose all user settings.

    I see a NoahPene on Strava and I wonder if it's you.  I'm in the front range and live at Carter Lake.  I rode with you shortly a few years ago.  Just saying 'hi' if you are indeed the same rider :-)

  • Yes that is me.  I remember.  

  • Good deal.  You are a strong rider with so many top-10 Strava placings.  Best wishes to your riding endeavors and perhaps we'll meet again in the future.