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Is it possible to change courses midride?


Not that common but a couple of times I've had a case where I'm doing a ride and following a course with some friends. Midway we decide to do a different course in the same area and hoping the device can just pick up where we are on the new course without navigating back to the start. When I press the select button, the resulting menu items have one option to stop the current course, but I don't see anything to choose a new course. Is this possible? Without stopping and saving the current ride and having to start a brand new one of course. 


  • Just use the same process you used to start the course you stopped. 

  • Agreed.  On a long day of mountain biking where I want to check out numerous new trails in an area, I may download multiple courses into my 520 so they show on the screen.  Then as I go about the day, I decide how much more riding I want to do when I get to intersection of trails.  I'll tell the 520 to stop navigating one course and then start another just as I would at the beginning of a ride.  It does not affect the recording of the overall ride.  Works great.

  • Thank you. What confused me was how to get to the place to select the new course which had no option in the pop up menu you get from just pressing the select button. I finally figure out that just hitting the back button from the ride screen takes you to the home screen from where to can go to the Navigation menu and select a new course. 

    Working as expected now. Thanks again guys.