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Crank based power meter issues with the 520

Just switched from the 1000 to the 520 and I'm having different issues with both my crank based power meters. These were non issues with the 1000...

Going into sensor details for Power Meter 1, there is no option to set the crank length--there is no field for crank length at all--which I believe is a problem? Anyways, I'm running 165s on this meter and the default (I'm pretty sure) is 172.5. I had no problems setting the 165 length on the 1000 with this same meter.

Going into sensor details for Power Meter 2, there is a crank length field, which is set at the default of 172.5 (it's a 170). When I try to change it manually--I've tried 170, 170.0, etc.--I get a blank screen that freezes the unit until I press the start button, which starts activity.

Really frustrating, hoping somebody can help me out with this.
  • it's a known issue with firmware 5.3
    Garmin should know it by know, several people complained there. Be patient or downgrade..
  • You should not need to set the crank length with a crank based power meter. The only power meters that require to know the crank length are those that are installed at the end of the crank arm such Vector, P1, BePro and the cleat based Brim Brothers.

    What power meters are you using?
  • You should not need to set the crank length with a crank based power meter. The only power meters that require to know the crank length are those that are installed at the end of the crank arm such Vector, P1, BePro and the cleat based Brim Brothers.

    What power meters are you using?

    Thanks...I am using Quarqs. Makes sense that I don't need to set crank length, though it is weird that one Quarq prompts the crank length on the head unit and the other one doesn't (pretty sure both have most recent Quarq firmware)
  • Thanks...I am using Quarqs. Makes sense that I don't need to set crank length, though it is weird that one Quarq prompts the crank length on the head unit and the other one doesn't (pretty sure both have most recent Quarq firmware)

    I have quarq red22, and the last firmware doesn't prompt crank lenght.
    Check the firmware with qalvin app