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Calories burn-Edge vs TrainerRoad

I use to ride Trainer road plan routines on the indoor trainer and same time my Edge 520 records all training data(HR, cadence and speed). However I noticed that Trainer road shows 850 vs 450 KCal on Garmin Connect.
Does anybody else experience same issue?
  • I don't know what causes it but I recently did Ebbets on Trainer road that automatically syncs to training peaks. There is a slight difference between trainer road (710 calories) vs training peaks (684) but when I sync to garmin connect it comes out something stupid like 180. No idea what causes it but it must just be something in the way trainer road writes the .fit file I suspect it is something like the fit file on trainer road doesn't include a column for elevation gain rather than just setting it to 0 (think of a fit file as basically an excel spreadsheet) so the calories value is essentially looking in the wrong cell and getting the silly value.

    No idea how to fix it
  • It sounds like Training road and Training peaks are calculating the calorie value from the data rather than taking the value contained in the FIT file. That is why you are seeing the difference.
  • Before I bought Edge 520, I used to import into Garmin connect .fit file from Trainer road.
    Now I have a chance to compare calories expenditure for same routine within Trainer road app and what was recorded same time by Edge.
    Obviously, Edge records at least 2 times less calories comparing to trainer road.