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USB Gasket/Cover


The rubber cover/gasket for the USB port on my Edge 520 got torn off. There's a small screw that secures the cover to the Edge device itself so it should be a very easy repair, but I can seem to find any place to acquire a replacement for the torn cover. Does anyone know where I might be able to get my hands on one of these?

  • Same thing happened to me. I called Garmin last week and they offered to exchange, but said it would take awhile. They said they will have the part in stock eventually and he advised me to call back in 4-6 weeks and advised that I tape in place for the short term.
  • Dey cove

    Same thing happened to me. I called Garmin last week and they offered to exchange, but said it would take awhile. They said they will have the part in stock eventually and he advised me to call back in 4-6 weeks and advised that I tape in place for the short term.

    Thanks for the info. Given the dearth of information I could find I sort of suspected that might be the case.
  • I almost ripped mine off the first time I charged the battery.. It's too easy to grab the USB & the cover at the same time...
  • 1734

    It's too easy to grab the USB & the cover at the same time...

    That's what I did several weeks ago, customer service said none available. Good to know that they eventually will be.

    My solution was to use a drop of super glue, this worked. Most of my gasket was intact, only the part under the screw wasn't attached.
    There was enough of the cover remaining to attach to the screw area. Opens and closes fine, good as new.
  • 101

    I almost ripped mine off the first time I charged the battery.. It's too easy to grab the USB & the cover at the same time...

    Yeah I ripped mine off, too excited I guess.

    1 drop of superglue, has held it in place. Fortunately for me, most of my gasket was intact, only the piece under screw torn off. It works good as new.

    Good to know Garmin will eventually have in stock.

    I did reply to this yesterday, but post never showed up. (My first post, which had to be reviewed)