Who already has the E1050 and what are the impressions?

Users of the new E1050, share your impressions - is the new Edge a big qualitative leap compared to the previous E1040 model and is it worth investing a few hundred on new hardware after changes to the firmware (23/09Beta) and adding a few functionalities?

  • Keep in mind that probably the 1040 will only receive update for two more years... Worth what it worths!

    My old gps broke and I'm with the same dillema in justifying the 300/350e more of the 1050, since the 40 received most of the new functions! 

  • Meanwhile I went for it and bought myself a 1050!

    Did a first ride of 107km (with alot of stops) so about 5h incl speed, cadance, power meter, navigation and I have to say it is great!

    Battery was at 72% at the end. Screen is brilliant! But I still think the bell is a gimmick because when there is alot of wind, people will not hear it when you come from behind.

  • You might be a bad influence to me! Sweat smile

    In my country the 1050 isn't in stock yet... Probably have a few more days / weeks to decide!

    Thank you

  • Haha sorry! ;)

    I had alot of doubts too, not only because of the price, but when I saw it next to a 1040 I was sold Smiley

  • I've never had a cycling computer before buying the 1050. I will only use it for, and so far have only used it for road cycling. My first impressions haven't been particularly positive. It does seem like a well built unit, but as another user pointed out the power on button can be a bit finicky. Sometimes I push it and the unit just doesn't turn on, not matter how long or short I press the button. Twice now I've had to plug the unit into a power source and then use the power button to turn it on. I'm not sure what's going on with that but it very concerning that maybe my unit is in some way defective.

    Also, I've tried everything I can think of, but I cannot get the sound from the 1050 to play through my earbuds that are connected to me phone. I've opened a separate post in the forums with that issue in case anyone has any suggestions. I expected this to be a no-brainer feature that would work straight away without any finicking but I am still struggling with how to figure this out. Am I the only one who like to ride with earbuds??

    The screen brightness during my rides is very good. But again, as another user points out, depending on what direction you are riding, the angle of the sun behind you and the angle of your 1050 mounted on your bike, you could glance at your 1050 and be blinded by a direct reflection of the sun. I'd say this is an unfortunate side of effect of the display surface being too good, or maybe too reflective? Not a huge deal, but something to note.

    I've heard this is common for Garman cycling computers, but the very first thing I noticed during my first ride was the timer data field not displaying the hours digit when the ride exceeds 60 minutes. This is such a fundamental flaw in my opinion, as I would guess most people when riding tend to cycle for more than 60 minutes. And when you have the timer field enabled on a profile, it means you want to be able to see for how long you've been riding. After 60 minutes I am not at all interested in the seconds digits, I want to see hours. And not an EXTREMELY tiny hour digit in superscript that essentially cannot be seen at all from a riding position. Thank you to the other forum user who pointed out that I can "get around" this issue by using a full width data field to display my timer. But why should I have to do this? Using the full width data field for a timer wastes screen space on either side of the field that is not needed. This just seems like a very basic oversight to me, and a reason why I might possibly return my unit to Garmin and consider a competing brand, including the inability to hear sounds from the unit while wearing earbuds.

    I am also having issue with my Edge display not turning off, or going into a sleep mode regularly. It seems that sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't and the screen will just stay on indefinitely. And not while I am an in ride. This is just when the unit is powered on and at the home screen. As I sit here now typing this post, the display on my unit has been on now for over 20 minutes without going off. This is just wasting battery. But sometimes it does work and seems to power off after just a couple of minutes. Again, do I have a defective unit?

    Hope some of these observations help.

  • As far as the earbuds, do you have the unit set to play sounds from your phone. or the device? I would try setting it to the phone.

  • Its interesting how different people's requirements are.  This is not a who's right or wrong, it's just a preferance thing.   Older versions of Garmin products would do exactly what you're after with the timer.  Once you hit an hour, seconds would disappear, and you only see hours and minutes.  I hated that.  I always want to see the seconds tick away.  Sometimes used to work out how far behind I was from a person ahead.  How much longer do I want to hold an effort.  How long did that last km take.  But that's just me, I'm continuously looking at the stats as I ride..  Most of my rides are under 4 hours, so I normally know exactly hour many hours I've been out.  0 to 1 hour feels very different to 1 to 2, etc.  Seeing the hours is the least important stat on the head unit for me.  Now having it there in a little font, but seeing the seconds tick away is by far a better solution for me when screen space is at a premium.  Losing the seconds being displayed so I could have a larger hour count would be a reason to not upgrade to a 1050.  I currently have a 1040.

    But that's just me.

  • Is there a way to make climber pro come up full screen by default. Currently I have to stretch the screen while riding.

    I can not get my segments to show up. I have them loaded and enable.

    Just to be clear I do not believe these to be issues I believe them to be a me thing as I have just moved to Garmin from a Hammerhead.


  • Also, I ride through the winter sometimes with really thick gloves and these don't work at all with the touch screen and I rely wholly on the buttons

    https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/146078 this thing is fantastic and I can't imagine not having it.

  • That's completely fair peterlip8. I understand different people use the device in different ways. It seems strange that Garmin would decide universally that this is the way it is going to be, whether you like it or not. I'm not a programmer, but it would seem that a simple toggle switch in the setting somewhere could solve this issue and let each user pick the timer field interface that works best for them. I have seen other user post about their frustrations with this issue so I know I am not alone.