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(“Fixed” in 19.08 beta) No “OFF COURSE” Warning if Turn Guidance is OFF

The 18.xx beta bug reports seem to be closed so I report this here.

If you have Turn Guidance OFF and Off Course Warnings ON you don't get the Off Course Warning when you go off course but do get a Course Found if you go back on the course. This has been reported by a number of users with the production version 18.23 (& had been reported for several beta versions too including using the beta version Screen Recording function to create screenshots each second to ensure the warning was not missed )

I also have some doubt regarding the "Off Course" even with Turn Guidance On, I have not seen it on several rides with Guidance but I could have missed it, will test some more. Definite about case without guidance .

  • FW 18.25 Still No “OFF COURSE” Warning.
    The rest is fine. Now you can follow a course with no beeps with Turn Guidance Off.

  • I can confirm that in version 18.25 the issue still exists.
    - TurnGuidance Off
    - Off Course Warnings On

    As long as you ride on the course all is fine - purple course line with chevrons, etc., but
    - When you deviate from the course there is NO Off Course warning
    - There was no prompt for recalculation! Settings are Course Recalculation = Prompt Only and Route Recalculation = Prompted. In earlier instances the recalculation prompt surely did pop up, so the whole behavior is at least to mention flaky and unpredictable. Other users report the same vague behavior if you ride your course without TurnGuidance.
    - When you come back on the course the purple course line with the chevrons is still there, but NO message Course Found

    When, for test, I had iterated the riding Off and ON Course several times at different positions on the course, suddenly the purple course disappeared from the map while I was still far from the end of the course - the active course was unloaded. No specific circumstances who can explain this behavior.

    In earlier versions of the software this error did not exist. In which version of the software the error was introduced I don't know, but surely version 9.07 was ok in this respect.

  • As you know this is “Fixed” in the current 19.08/19.09 betas, you get an alert tone but the Off Course message only displays for 6 seconds. The Course Found also (still) works. Recalculation prompts only work if Turn Guidance is enabled.

    can you replicate the disappearing course issue, the original poster in the discussion below reported something similar

  • See my corrected text in the entry above yours. My findings were for version 10.25 for the Explore 2. Just posted it here to emphasize that the problen is not unique for the 1040.

  • Just came back from a test ride regarding off course:
    Edge 1040 - Software Beta 19.09

    -course loaded without TBT
    -purple course with chevrons - ok
    -started my ride
    -went off course
    -after about 200m „Off Course“ warning with chirping beep - message disappears without touch after some seconds
    -purple course with chevrons still there - ok!
    -turned around to go back to the course - reached the course
    -after about 200m „Course Found“ with simple beep - message disappears without touch after some seconds
    -purple course with chevrons still there - ok!

    Continued the ride without problems.

    So, for me it‘s ok on first stage. But I would prefer to dismiss „off course“ by tapping (as it was on 1030…)