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Lap Ascent Datafield

Hi Everyone, 

i'm struggling a bit, not having a Lap Ascent data field. Is there anything planned? Why do I have it on my Fenix 5,6,7x and not on a big cycling computer?

Anyone has a reason for this? Yes, if my brain would work properly after several hard intervals or 5h+ rides this maybe wouldn't be an issue. But for me it's valuable information how i'm doing out there... 

Thanks in advance -- mirko

  • You are right, I did not know you would use it during workouts. I will include the fact that a new workout-step will count as a new lap!

    new version will be posted asap, I will let you know.

  • New version uploaded, should now reset each workout step.

    Could not test myself, but plz do.

    You want the label CAPITALIZED ?

    You want the numbers right side of the field?

    Or is it ok like it is?

  • Thanks! Capitalized would be nice, so it really looks like a default field (but it's a detail) 

    I can't test it for the next 1-2weeks i'm in vacation and don't have a bike there. Will report as soon as possible. 

    Wishing you great holidays! 

  • Hey Sirfive, 

    Finally a good weather window and happy new year! 

    I tested the new version today. Sadly, it still don't reset Lap-Ascent after a workout step. Also, manual lap press get ignored by the DF if workout is active. 

    I think i have the latest version. Launched Connect IQ this morning before the ride and didn't saw an update. 

    Also in case you "Uppercased" LAP ASCENT in the title. It doesn't work. 

    Thanks again for your effort. -- mirko

  • Now this is disappointing!

    I have tested the version myself just now. Because of the lack of ascents here, I have taken the Edge up the stairs of a 2 story building, running a workout. Managed to get 4 meters Ascent and it nicely resetted to zero when the next workoutstep was commenced.

    To make sure you have the newest version, I have uploaded one just now with the label in capitals (LAP ASCENT).

    Could you please test 1 more time? If you have capitals in the label, everything should work!

  • Thank you! 

    I  tried to installed it right now. But somehow it wont... Maybe it's because of todays Beta 20.04.

    Will give you feedback as soon as possible. Spending more time on Zwift due to weather right now. 

    (edit: it worked :))

  • Good to hear it works now.

    I will now make the last-lap ascent version in the same way. Now the data is correct that will be easy.

  • Hi sirfive, 

    Finally back from the mountains and on the bike again. (Till more snow is coming down ;))

    I tested it today, and it works like a charm! Thank you very much! 

    One small "bug" is still there but it doesn't bother me. If i "Lap" the auto generated  cool down step (which is added if a workout doesn't have any) the Lap Ascent wasn't reset to 0. But for me this is not an issue. The rest works now perfectly fine! 

    greetings and a big thank you, again! 

  • Hi Nullkru,

    Bummer. This is an old (more than 3 year) old Garmin bug. The function onWorkoutStepComplete() is not called after the last workout step.

    I can program a work-around, but if you don't mind, I will leave it like this.

    You need a "LastLap" version? Since this one is working, it is easy to create.

  • Good Morning, 

    for me it isn't a problem. Had a Strange behavior yesterday on my way home. Started a new ride and the Last Lap value was something like -294. But overall i'm happy with it! 

    I don't really need a las-lap version, but maybe others are interested. 

    Thanks for your work!