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battery time

Hi all, hope your all well fit & weary from training, I was looking to know all the different battery times, as in battery time for full GPS and then battery time in the different GPS modes, basically all the different modes for maps, screen brightness and gps modes which will give me an idea for setting up my garmin for the best possible setting for the sport that I am doing at any one particular time.

I do ultra cycling I couldn't believe they released a device that actually suits this sport though it could be improved ( never happy).

wonder is there a battery map around for this device ?


  • Everybody with battery performance problems:

    You don't need backlight at all when riding in daylight.

    The edge units have a transflective display which reflects the sunlight from behind the display back to the user. 

    If you only ride in daylight you can completely turn off the backlight and still see everything.

    If you ride in changing lighting you can use auto brightness.

    This is done really clever by Garmin.

    Auto brightness turns the backlight completely off when it's bright around.

    When it's at a medium lighting the backlight is at it's maximum.

    When it's completely dark around, the backlight dims down to not

    If you want good battery life turn off the backlight or use auto brightness.