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Edge 1030 isn't finding Satellites

Starting yesterday, the older of my two Edge 1030's (long story why I have two) is not finding satellites.  I turned the unit on, and rotated the cranks three times to activate the Vector pedals, then put on my helmet and gloves.  This is nearly always enough time for the unit to locate satellites and be ready to record.  But yesterday,, it showed the time as much earlier in the day than actual, didn't show my speed, and I knew I didn't have satellites.  Also, the battery showed as being at 0%, when it had been fully charged after I last used it about a week earlier.  I used the newer unit to record yesterday's ride.

I checked again before today's ride.  The battery showed 11% charge.  It still wasn't finding satellites.  I put it on a USB charger and used the newer 1030 for today's ride.

Now, it's fully charged, but when I turned it on after dinner, the time was still off,  So I went outside, and the unit is still "Acquiring Satellites" - the message on the top of the map page.  It knows where I am, showing my "Home" location at the proper place.  It knows my altitude - just under 100m above sea level.  But 20 minutes later, it still says "Acquiring Satellites", and the time is just past Noon, although it's actually nearing 20:00 hours here.  I changed from GPS + GLONASS to GPS only, but still no luck.

It doesn't seem as if a reset of any type would fix this problem.  Any ideas of what I should try before calling Garmin support?  (This older unit is a replacement for my original that had the "halo" problem.  It has the halo problem, too.  (The newer unit with 125 rides and 275 hours of recording, doesn't have any indications of developing the halo.)