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8.0 Firmware bug - Edge can't connect to ANT+ LEV

Hi,  users of my Ebike Field are reporting, that 1030 with 8.0 firmware is no longer able to connect to ebike via ANT+ LEV connectivity. 

Furthermore, according to one user connection doesn't work not only from Connect IQ datafield, but also via pairing ebike in sensor settings. If this is true, the issue may not be related to already known edge 530/830 issue:

  • I am affected by this error.

    I just tested the work-around from link above with my Edge 1030 - v8.0 - and it works! So, it is the same issue as 530/830 now with 1030 after updating to v8.0.

    I did the work-around test 2 times and it worked both times.

    After the connection with ebike-datafield the ebike-diagnostics works, too.

    Work around: set another datafield instead of ebike. Turn off the Edge completely. Turn on and after booting set ebike-field instead of dummy-field - and voila: there is battery and mode in one second!

    (info for Jan: I‘m Andreas who sent you an email)

  • And one further test:

    My Edge 1030 v8.0 does find my Levo as Ebike-sensor!

    (not only speed/cadence and power but also Ebike sensor)


    once ebike-datafield is/was successful connected, standard-Edge-Ebike sensor will not be found anymore!

    Levo as Speed/cadence and power sensor are working flawlessly - always!

  • I'm having the same problem. I have also done the test with several 1030 of my friends, in 8.0, and although it finds the sensors, they do not show information. This is very problematic since, even the garmin specialized app, or the garmin-specific data, now shows no information on the screen. I tried a fenix and it doesn't have that problem.

  • I think i found a “solution”

    Good. after claiming even Garmin, which has changed my terminal edge 1030 for a new one ... and after upgrading to software 9.0 ... I see that the problem continues ... but there is something very curious that I appreciated today and that After several tests I get it to always work!

    today a friend has had a flat tire and while we fixed it, the garmin went into sleep mode. He had been an hour and a half of the route and during all that time i had not been able to see the information. When I turned on the garmin again after entering sleep mode, I could magically see the data and although I turned off and started the bike, with the garmin on, the data continued to show! 

    but...when I turned off the garmin everything was wrong again. So I waited again for the garmin to rest and i turned it on again and...i the information again!

    Upon arriving home I did the experiment again and it always works! that is, when you turn on the garmin you never get the information, but if you wait for it to go into sleep mode, it always works! I hope this serves as something for the people who program the garmin software ... and find out what happens different when you return from the suspension than when you swith on the garmin...because that's where everything works after suspension!

  • Hi,

    Are there any news on this connectivity problem....Specially to the LEV sensor. My Garmin Edge 1030 with 9.44 can't connect to my Turbo Levo SL. 

    Thanks in advance.