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Cadence sensors not displaying on 1030

2 bikes with cadence sensors and since fw7 install, both with one exception always fail to communicate with 1030 - both have fresh duracell batteries. I can jump straight on and ride or spin the pedals, it makes no diff. Cadence on 1030 is blank although I see the cadence sensor lit in the sensors screen
Stopping at start of ride to correct the problem, I do nothing other than access that sensor, I don't disable or enable (I did once & no diff) the data about ser/part no & connected by ant+ are still there, I escape out, start riding and the display now shows cadence. Clearly it knows the sensor exists & is functioning, but why all this messing about?
Any ideas
  • What brand/model of cadence sensor is it and are you connected over ANT or BLE to it?
  • What brand/model of cadence sensor is it and are you connected over ANT or BLE to it?

    Garmin and Ant+,
    I believ this is exactly as they've always been on the 1000 & 1030, as I say this issue has only arisen since moving to v7.
    Maybe try the new beta?.
  • Who is the manufacturer of your cadence sensor? I may be able to provide some information.
  • Who is the manufacturer of your cadence sensor? I may be able to provide some information.

    Thanks for your reply, but Garmin have advised me that there was a recognised problem with cadence sensors which they believe they've fixed in 7.22 beta. Problem seemed to sort itself, then edge updated itself to 7.30 and it seems to have returned, but I know who to get around that and who knows, might be ok next time, or?
    What I dont know is how to fix the loss of segments it was displaying and amazingly a list of 5 not 10 segs on the unit with 9 on GC
  • I have the same problem with my 1030 and the Giant Ridesense RS sensor on the Defy frame. The sensor shows it is connected, but I cannot see cadence values on the display. It looks like you had this problem a year ago, and it still isn't fixed?! I was hesitant to upgrade from the 510 to the 1030 as Garmin continues to have lousy software on their units. Maybe I should have tried Wahoo.