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Elevation profile

I just bought an Edge 1030 plus and on the elevation profile for a ride, it is too slow to show the UPCOMING hills.   Half the time, I have one dot on the middle of the screen and the other dot on the far right side.   It does nothing for me to see where I just traveled.   I always want to see the Upcoming elevation profile.   In addition, why can't I zoom out to see more of the elevation profile.    Also, I did a gravel/paved road ride and it is set to show all climbs.    I have 4 gravel hills with 10-14 % grade climbs and one paved ride with 9% grade climb.   Climb Pro does not show any of the 4 gravel hills, only the road climb.   Why ?   Thanks !

  • The reason you are only getting one climb is because the climbs are not meeting the required criteria. The elevation plot makes it look like a hilly course, but that is because the Y-axis is zoomed in. That is not say it is not challenging, but rather that climbs are too short and punching to meet the ClimbPro criteria.

    There is only a 60 meter  spread between the lowest and highest points on this course.

    I rereviewed the course with the "Show all" climbs setting and it only finds the one climb. I then converted the activity to a course on the unit so it would use the actually elevation data you collected and it again found just one climb, but in a different location.

    Short climbs even if steep do make the cut as there is a minimum length requirement of  500 meters

    The rules for considering a climb are listed below. All rules must be satisfied.

    1. At least 500 meters in length

    2. Average grade of 3% or more

    3. Must exceed the selected Climb Score (see below for details)

    ClimbPro will identify and report climbs at two different levels.

    ClimbPro users a scoring system to select the climbs.

    Climb Score = length of the climb(meters) x grade(percent)

    ClimbPro then uses the climb score to select and classify climbs.

    At the macro level ClimbPro will identify categorized climbs on the Elevation page when navigating or on the Elevation page when previewing a course. In professional road cycling the process for categorizing climbs is subjective and is controlled by the race organizers who will take into consideration what the riders have already climbed when categorizing each climb. ClimbPro use an objective measure and treats each hill in isolation using the following climb score values:

    • Cat 4 > 8000

    • Cat 3 > 16000

    • Cat 2 > 32000

    • Cat 1 > 48000

    • HC (Hors Category) > 64000

    Show All Climbs with a Climb Score Value greater or equal to 1,500

    Medium-Large Climbs >= 3,500 (Default value)

    Only Large Climbs >= 8,000 (This is the Cat4 threshold used by ClimbPro.)

  • Very Interesting !   That tells me there is a lot of logic built into its decision making for climbs and it's not a bug.    You put a lot of work into this and the other PDF link you sent me and I appreciate it.    One more question though.   I have another screen that shows the elevation profile.  Is there any way to zoom-out of the elevation profile to see more of the upcoming elevation, something very similar to zoom-in and zoom-out of the course file ?  Maybe there is a setting I need to change ? It currently only shows increments.   Thanks again !

  • If you do a long hold on the X or Y axis scale value it will change the screen to allow you to adjust the value for the axis you selected.

    Here I changed the X-axis from 1.50 miles per square to 0.25. Select the back arrow when done.

  • Wow !  Fantastic !     Thanks again for all your help.  

  • Thank You.   The PDF by @aweatherall is very informative and answers my question.