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Map rotation

The left side of the video is 1030 PLUS, the right side is 1030 (set automatic pause)
It can be seen that when the car is not moving and paused, the 1030 PLUS map on the left will rotate (the automatic compass is recalibrated), and the 1030 on the right will not rotate. At this time, I have not reached the turning intersection. This will make it impossible for me to judge which way to go.

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  • The first video is showing the heading of the left unit to be more "erratic". The number at the upper right in the datafield at the bottom is also changing much more than the corresponding number on the right unit. Maybe, the GPS reception is poor and it's moving between using the compass and location change to orient (rotate) the map.

    The second video doesn't show the map rotating: the north arrow doesn't change orientation. It would be more useful to take some real turns. It sort if seems like it's confused about north up and track up (and using some sort of hybrid thing.)


    • With "north up" the map is aligned to that the top of the unit is north. In this mode, the north arrow (on the map) is not displayed. The blue location arrow rotates on the map (to point to different sides of the unit).

    • With "track up", the location arrow (the blue triangle) points to the top of the unit. (The arrow can rotate a little to not always be quite square to the top.) In this mode, the map rotates (and the blue triangle, basically, doesn't). With "track up", the north arrow is displayed.
  • All my settings are "track up"
    It behaves like a smart phone, but it can’t rotate to the correct position
    I really hope it will return to Edge 1030, don’t rotate the map when it’s not moving
    Edge 1030 satellite positioning time is much faster than Edge 1030 plus