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How to disable Virtual partner?

Is there no way to disable the Virtual partner? So annoying to have it showing up on the map every now and then, especially coming into turns you think its you but its the bloody VP in front. Such a useless feature I cant believe it cannot be turned off?

  • This only skips the trainings page of the virtual partner. But one cannot turn off the „feature“ VP.

    The opening poster did not mean the VP-screen, but the VP in general:

    Is there no way to disable the Virtual partner? So annoying to have it showing up on the map every now and then, especially coming into turns you think its you but its the bloody VP in front. Such a useless feature I cant believe it cannot be turned off?
  • ugh. you are correct. just tried it on a route and the arrow is still there, even thought is is supposedly turned off.

  • Found a work around - I plan all my Routes in Komoot.  in Garmin connect app select courses, find course you are going to follow. 3 dots R/H corner, opens menu. You need to duplicate the route. Back to course list and select Copy of….. select same 3 dots and edit, scroll down to bottom and put average speed to1 km/hr ( just my choice), I then rename course and save. I have Never seen that irritating VP grey arrow again.

    I then delete the original course which is usually got average speed default set at 25km/hr 

    it’s a bit of a faff but worth it , 

  • Some good ideas here as workarounds, but in my experience, even if you set the average speed to an absolute minimum, as soon as you go of course (accidentally or deliberately) or if you pause your ride and put the unit into standby, when you resume your ride the VP will have reset itself to your location.

  • Went off route today and had a stop - the grey VP cursor never came onto screen. Could of been that the VP was so far behind.

    that method works for me (1030+)

  • Thanks for your research / topic. I spent a few hours on my 1030+ trying to switch vp off since it takes too much screen space during navigation. Hhmm, your topic says "over 3 years ago". Hope Garmin starts respecting user suggestions.
    @garmin: please make the Virtual Partner an option.

  • I believe the option is there for the new 40’s series. Since this is now their flagship I can’t see them bothering about it.

    They dismissed all these complaints as a minority, apparently

    most people like the feature.

    I think we’re stuck with it but that workaround works for me.