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Cadence Sensor 2 - can be connected to Garmin Connect?

Former Member
Former Member


just installed Speed 2 and Cadence 2.

pairing with 6X no problem.

I paired the speed sensor with Garmin Connect (GC), found in GC list Speed Sensor 2.

all good.

why the Cadence 2 is not listed in GC?

no need to connect to GC? what about software update then?

just asking,


  • I also have the same issue. I can connect up my speed sensor in the connect app, it also tries to pair to my iOS Bluetooth. However the cadence sensor doesn’t connect. I don’t own a bike computer which was really why I bought these, so I could add speed and cadence to my rides and see them live on wahoofitness or similar to get them to show on strava. Both are recognised and connect to wahoofitness separately but will boot the other off if I try to use both. So I’ll never be able to see speed and cadence together which seems ridiculous.

  • You have described my situation precisely.