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MARQ - 6.72 Beta Release

Hello MARQ customers,

The newest MARQ beta software is now available for your upcoming adventures! The beta below is not compatible with Marq Aviator.


Instructions for installation are available below the change log on the page linked above.

5.72 Change Log Notes:

  • Added support for Swim2 features namely, Auto Rest, Swim Time data field, Swim workout improvements, Pacing Alerts, Swim Dead Reckoning for OWS and Critical Swim Speed.
  • Added support for Action Menu with the Expedition App. This should provide a more consistent and discoverable way to access more functions (actions) using the 'Start' key.
  • Improved compass performance.
  • Removed the "Edit" screen from the timer loop temporarily.
  • Fixed an issue where the device could register a speed spike during Ski activities.
  • Fixed an issue where the device may become unresponsive when trying to navigate certain types of PacePro enabled courses.
  • Fixed an issue where the device will crash when trying to manually connect to an ANT sensor after enabling Airplane mode.
  • Fixed an issue where one would see a Wifi error message when launching the Golf activity.
  • Fixed an issue with golf maps drawing incorrectly after the last beta update.
  • Fixed an issue where the map would intermittently stop updating during an activity.
  • Brought in improvements for CIQ.
  • Brought in improvements and bug fixes for music.

We have temporarily removed in-activity data field editing in this beta. We have identified a few bugs and while they are difficult to reproduce, we do not want our customers to experience these issues. When these bugs are resolved, this feature will be added back in to software.

Current beta peripheral software version numbers below. New versions are indicated in red.

GPS: 2.60
Wi-Fi: 2.60
Sensor Hub: 3.10
ANT/BLE/BT: 4.30

Please note, the beta updates released on these forums are not suitable for APAC region devices.

Please send all bug reports to [email protected], and indicate which model of the MARQ Collection you have in the subject line.