Instinct - 18.01 Public Release Candidate

Hello Instinct customers,

Please read the instructions below to update the software for your Instinct device. We've made some changes to how we deliver beta updates for our customers, so this forum post is now the primary resource for reading the change log notes – they are not available on another webpage. We look forward to your feedback!

18.01 Change Log Notes (changes since 18.00):

  • Improved altimeter performance.

New Software versions listed are in red.

  • System Software18.01
  • BLE/ANT/SNS: 1.60 

Instructions for updating software:

  • Download the .zip folder containing the update HERE
  • Connect the watch to your computer.
  • Unzip and copy the included gupdate.gcd file to the Garmin folder on your watch.
  • Disconnect the watch from the computer and it will prompt you to update software.

For any issues that you encounter, please send an email to [email protected]. In your email please include the software version, and a detailed description of your issue, along with any steps to reproduce. Please note that you may not get a response to the email unless we need more information on the issue you report.

  • Hi, is not fixing at all.

    I'm at 350mt where I live. I run calibration and it sets at 347 but after 5 seconds is 1230mt...

    same as in 17.5, i'm going back to v15.

  • If it helps I will add that I cannot do manual calibration (same as 17.5).
    I am at 350 mt and the altimeter measures 1200.
    if i try manual calibration at 350 it tells me it is not possible because it is out of sensor range.
    instead, if i do the gps calibration it reads 347 and sets it.
    after about 5 seconds it goes up around 1100/1300 and stays there.
    with earlier versions, ie v16, manual calibration on the other hand works smoothly, like gps calibration, and once set they are maintained.

    Recapping, the problem on my instinct is present (I have tried them all) in
    is not present in 16 and earlier

  • Luke,

    where can I download the sensors firmware? I'd like to update it to be sure it isn't the cause..

  • thanks!

    are the BLE/ANT/SNS inside the same GUPDATE file as the System Software?

  • Hi Bandit, where can we find the v15 to download please?

  • Ciao Jacques,

    look 2 message before, in 4857931's post there is the link.

  • I did a few more tests to help investigate the problem.
    I tried going into the diagnostic screen with different versions of the system-software on my watch, from 12.20 to 18.01 through several intermediate releases, and I confirm that the values in the barometer diagnostic screen are exactly the same in each version of the system-software.
    However, for versions up to 16 the manual or via gps calibration is maintained, for many users the "auto" calibration at the beginning of an activity hides the anomaly, even if the quality of the detected altitude is poor (I compared it, on the same route with my edge) and the detection fluctuates a lot, distorting the elevation gain.
    From 16.5 onwards the same "auto" calibration is instead not maintained, after a few seconds the altitude rises several hundred meters and the anomaly is very evident at the end of the activity reporting an absurd elevation gain (generally the accumulated elevation gain between the beginning of the activity and the first 30 seconds exceeds 700mt in my case).
    At the end of this test, I think that the problem is therefore not in the software of the various versions of the system-software but in the sensor data that are always the same (I tried from v12.20 onwards) and probably of low quality or wrong and produce more or less obvious errors between versions of the system-software, especially before and after v16.00.
    Is there any way to flash the sensor firmware? I find the history of the various system-software releases and I see that the latest version of the sensor software is 1.6 but I can't figure out what changes the sensor software has had since the system-software releases.
    I would like to try to keep 18.01 but go back with the sensor software to see if the situation is resolved.

  •   Impressive tests you are doing and we all get the benefit of your results!  Thank you for this.  Hopefully Garmin will take note of this too and incorporate it into an idea for a solution.  

    I will soon hike a lot again and hate it when all the elevation values are completely off like this.