When searching for a GPS 7000m

Garmin connect. When searching for a GPS it spells terrible meters.
I'm in HK. But when calibrating, it will show the meters fine for my location in the city / Czech Republic /  . I noticed a mistake a few days ago when I noticed inactivity in the paved floors. I have 10 floors set up and now I have a million. But that's secondary .. what about the meters .. Thanks for the response.


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  • How did you calibrate your altimeter? With GPS, with DEM, or manually, or not at all? What is HK? Hong Kong or Hradec Králové?

  • Hi, 

    Sry.. Hradec Králové. GPS calibrate. DEM only error. Thx 

  • What DEM error exactly? So, did you use GPS instead of DEM, after the error, or no? Did you try manual calibration? Is the auto-calibration on, or off? During Activity on or off? DEM or GPS? When you long-press the GPS button and acquire the satellites, what coordinates and what altitude does your Instinct show?

  • It's very difficult for me. I do not speak English. I did a garmin reset. I held down the satellite search button. It was found 281 meters. That would be fine. I did a cycling activity and the garmin measured 50,000 meters. But that doesn't make sense. I also got a tip with a stream of water to rinse the sensors on the edge of the watch. I re-calibrated the satellite search and it was searched for meters correctly. I will be surprised what will happen when I go for a walk. If that didn't help, I'll turn to the complaint.
    Perhaps the text is legible. It's thanks to google translator.
    Air temperature and other things work.

  • Popravdě řečeno moc nerozumím, co píšeš. Cheš říct, že ti Instinct ukázal výšku 50km? Anebo mluvíš o vzdálenosti? Anebo jde o celkově nastoupanou výšku během nějaké aktivity? A pokud ano, o jakou aktivitu šlo? Nejlíp bude, když sem dáš na ni odkaz, ať se na ni můžu podívat. 

    Máš nastavenou auto-kalibraci výškoměru během aktivity nebo ne? Jaký druh auto-kalibrace výškoměru máš nastaven? GPS nebo DEM? Nosíš s sebou mobil a jsou na nich aktivní mobilní data?

    Výškoměr Instinctu je citlivý na ucpání potem, nebo přímo kůži, pokud jej máš příliš blízko zápěstí, a pak samozřejmě blbne. Občas si pot pod tím otvorem tlakového čidla osuš rukávem nebo prstama, a nos hodinky par centimetrů od zápěstí, ať neucpáváš ten otvor, když ohneš zápěstí. Taky není špatné si tu pravou stranu hodinek s čidlem chránit rukávem nebo potítkem - kromě potu to ochrání i před nárazy větru, které také mohou způsobit změny tlaku na čidle.

  • connect.garmin.com/.../0

    I have set up GPS autocalibration.
    I don't have active data. I haven't needed it yet. It's true that I have a sweater and gloves on my bike. So the sensors are clogged. I'll focus on that

  • Have a look at the Elevation Profile at this activity - regularly there are strong spikes on the graph. Could be due to the clogged sensor opening. Activate the option "Elevation Correction" - see it just below the Instinct picture on the activity page. It will recalculate the elevation profile, using topographic data.

  • I did that too. It is 311 meters away. That is clear to me.
    I'm going for a walk.
    I know the satellite is stored. I'll find it again by long hold and see. If there is a mistake in meters, I will be sad :(
    I'll call..
    Thank you so much for your reactions

  • The Elevation Gain of 311m over a 50km ride, as shown now on your Activity, seems to be perfectly credible even on a relatively flat terrain. What problem do you see there, exactly, now?

  • So I was on a walk. I held down the GPS search button. GPS found 281 meters. I saved my GPS. After squeezing the activity of walking, meters flew to 20,000 meters throughout the walk.

    After turning off the activity, I put the GPS search again and the meters were again 281 meters.
    I see an error during the activity. It shows the height incorrectly.The photo is taken while walking.
