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How do you know when the Instinct is done charging.

On my first charge after charging when I got it. Not sure if I charged it fully, not sure how to know. But it on day 13 with two bars left. Only used gps tracking for about one hour. The rest was just everyday stuff.
  • This is where Garmin HAS to do an update so the user has the ability to see an actual % of the battery. Seems like they omitted that, so they could just add it later on and say it’s an “improvement”.

    To answer your question, once the battery symbol stops moving left to right (during a charge) and stays the same with all 5 bars, then you know it’s done.
  • On my first charge after charging when I got it. Not sure if I charged it fully, not sure how to know. But it on day 13 with two bars left. Only used gps tracking for about one hour. The rest was just everyday stuff.

    You can temporarily add the battery widget on the "Eye" (or circle, dunno how it is called) and when charging the icon moves, it is dynamic.
    Once it is fully charged, the icon gets static
  • I do see the battery symbol but not sure what it looked like at start of charge. I did have a rotating circle at start, one hour later that rotating circle around the watch in now solid. With two bars and one hour of charge sound right? The manual is lacking if you ask me. It's like the author wrote it for someone who know's the Instinct already. I think the battery icon was black at start, but not now.

  • I noticed the same. I'm charging it for the first time, and it's unclear how to tell when the battery is full. I even checked the Quick Start guide as they usually contain some relevant info (what to do when you first get the device etc), but nothing about whether I should charge it or not, and/or information regarding how long a full charge takes.

  • When connected just to a charger, the watch show animated battery symbol (bigger than usual) in the "Eye":

    When connected to USB there are two variants of the icon in the "Eye":

    Plus the rotating circle, which is moving or not.

    To say the truth, I do not know what does it mean!

    If you want to do some research, you can  start the Test mode (by holding ABC while the watch are booting),

    there are voltage, percentage and charging/no charging info:

    See also Test mode

  • I just purchased my Instinct today and could find nothing in the Owners Manual on charging. However I appreciate the information I'm finding on line. The manual definitely needs updating. 

  • I've had my Instinct plugged in for just over an hour. The rotating circle is no longer rotating so I'm assuming the watch is fully charged. 

  • I stuck mine in a charger until 5 bars showed and nothing else moving. I then did the test using ABC as described and showed 91%, so that seems only way to tell. My old Fenix 2 showed a percentage.