Where does the Instinct Solar get the sunrise and sunset information from?
The times on my Instinct Solar are not correct.
Example for today
Sunrise at 6:39 am, sunset at 7:58 pm
My instinct solar shows, however
Sunrise 6:37 am at sunset 8:04 pm
Where does the Instinct Solar get the sunrise and sunset information from?
The times on my Instinct Solar are not correct.
Example for today
Sunrise at 6:39 am, sunset at 7:58 pm
My instinct solar shows, however
Sunrise 6:37 am at sunset 8:04 pm
Example for today
Sunrise at 6:39 am, sunset at 7:58 pm
Where does your data come from? If you looked it up online for your town, then it can be easily off by several minutes. Already changing…
The Instinct Solar deviates by 4 minutes.
Strange, my Instinct is accurate to the minute. Make sure you use the same coordinates and the same altitude Garmin Instinct shows - go out and long…
I'm guessing that the watch uses the last GPS location to calculate this, so if that's not the as the other source for rise/set you're using the times will be off by a small bit.
Maybe try…
When I first got my instinct solar tactical it was way off, like an hour later sunrise and 2 hours earlier sunset. I held the GPS button to take a reading and found that I was pretty low GPS strength. Once it synced GPS, I saved my location and it updated my location specific sunrise sunset info.
Hello, you need to allow permissions on garmin app to your phone location services, this action will automatically calibrate. If you still have the problem, reboot the watch via power option and this will force your phone to sync on next boot cycle. This fixed my problem as you described.