Does solar really work? Or we got fooled

Since I’ve got the watch I’ve tried every possible suggestion and test regarding solar.

have kept the watch in sun for hrs, restarted as some forum suggested. But have not seen any battery % or any battery estimate changing.

it’s very disappointing to know that I trusted the brand and its marketing and fell in the solar trap.

Casio : a dead watch in solar charges.

Instinct : I don’t own it, but I’ve seen a video where it charged by solar and showed some % increase 

I’ve tried to disable all sensors n kept it only in watch mode and tried to give it hours of sun as well. But still no luck.

is there something I’m missing or solar is just a gimmick?

don’t see any update or mention in 10.43 as well.

thank you

  • Nope, you misinterpret that. It states clearly that the battery is NOT charged as long as the watch is ON:

    "Der Akku einer eingeschalteten Uhr mit Solar-Ladelinse wird bei Sonneneinstrahlung nicht im herkömmlichen Sinne aufgeladen, wie als wenn Sie die Uhr mit einer Stromquelle verbinden. Die Akkulaufzeit wird jedoch deutlich verlängert, wenn die Uhr das Sonnenlicht empfängt. "

    They say that the battery is not charged like connecting it with a conventional power supply. It only extends the battery life.

    The last sentence makes it even clearer:

    "Erhält eine ausgeschaltete Uhr Sonnenlicht, wird der Akku wie über eine Stromquelle aufgeladen, jedoch deutlich langsamer."

    It says, that the battery is charged by sunlight like connected to a power supply if it is OFF, but much slower.

  • I confirm that a 7 series garmin (tactix 7 pro for me) can charge in the sun with a power saving setting. Ie stock watch face, no seconds display, no wrist heart rate, no pulse ox, no wifi or bluetooth..
    Today in Alsace (France) we saw the sun appear from around 11.30 am until sunset.
    So I left my fenix tactix 7 pro in front of the French window in my living room from 11:30 a.m. to around 3:30 p.m. (after the sun is hidden by the roof of the neighboring house).
    She was at 58%. She had 137klux/h. I turned it off and on again it went to 59% and there at 8:50 p.m. it is still at 59%
    Last summer when during my teleworking days and there was much more sun than now and I put it in front of the windows, it could receive 350 to 400klux / h it could have gained 3% battery.
    I understand that garmin doesn't put this forward, but it would still be nice if they added the percentage increment without having to turn the watch on and off each time.
  • Nope, you misinterpret that.
    It states clearly that the battery is NOT charged as long as the watch is ON

    No, you are misinterpreting.

    The BATTERY is ALWAYS charged (recharged). Even when the watch is switched on. This also makes Garmin's statement clear.

    nicht im herkömmlichen Sinne aufgeladen“

    If the BATTERY (itself) would not be charged when switched on, it would not be able to support the longer runtime. It is with every solar watch so that the energy supplied by the solar cell is supplied to the battery, and then only from the battery to the consumers of the watch.

    The misunderstanding in this thread seems to me to lie here in the understanding of the question "is the BATTERY charged".

    Is the BATTERY (itself) charged (RECHARGED) even when the watch is on ? Very clear answer: YES

    Is the recharging so effective that it causes an increase in the % display of the watch itself ( the consumer of the battery) ? This depends on many factors. Some of them are also listed in the already linked support article.

  • Frequently Asked Questions About Power Glass Solar Lens | Garmin Customer Support

    The last statement is not compatible with the suggestion that the watch will NOT CHARGE WHILST ON

  • Is the BATTERY (itself) charged (RECHARGED) even when the watch is on ? Very clear answer: YES

    And that's exactly NOT stated there. I (as a german) wonder how you come to that misinterpretarion.

    They clearly state that the battery is not charged or recharged as long as the device is on. Especially the last sentence and the reference to the power supply leaves no more doubts.

    The real implementation of the Fenix 7 may be different but this support site is very clear and consistent.

  • The last statement is not compatible with the suggestion that the watch will NOT CHARGE WHILST ON

    The last statement doesn't say that the battery is getting recharged, it only says that the battery is not discharged anymore. 

    Garmin never claims that the solar lens recharges the battery as long as the device is on. They only claim that the battery is not discharged anymore if the solar power is sufficient. Lasting indefinitely means "solar power = current power requirement of the watch".

    I don't know their implementation of the internal power supply. It could be that:

    1. The battery supply from the solar lens is only active while the device is off. As long as the device is on, the solar power is in parallel to the battery. Similar to the dual powered calculators. The effort to collect a very, very small amount of energy at very rare times could be too costly.

    2. They have an intelligent internal power supply which doesn't waste more power than it collects from the solar lens even during bad light conditions but they don't want to promise anything because this recharging times are very, very rare.

  • If you read my earlier post, you will note that `! have seen with my own eyes a Fenix 7 increase its remaining battery life whilst ON. Nowhere doe Garmin say that it will not charge whilst on. The increase in charge that my friend experienced from 30 mins to 5 hours represents an increase of around 0.125% if you consider a 15d battery life to be the norm. Unless your watch is almost fully discharged this is an increase you will not see either as a percentage or in days remaining under normal conditions, but an increase in charge none the less..

    You will note in the previous paragraph, the conditions under which the watch will not accept a solar charge

  • There are two different things:

    1. What Garmin states (at the german support site) - and there is really no doubt about it - that it's not (re-)charged as long as the device is on. They added the note/comparison with a power supply to make it more clear and from a technical point of view it's not comprehensible to interpret that in any other way.

    2. What is really implemented. This may differ from Garmins statement and it may differ from device to device.

    However, if you really observe a re-charging while the device is running - be happy. But don't expect that from your watch, nobody promised that to you.

  • Garmin never claims that the solar lens recharges the battery as long as the device is on.

    You are going around in circles.

    Garmin describes it quite clearly. The energy generated by the solar cell is converted into BATTERY energy:

    Die Garmin Solar-Uhren verwenden entweder Power Glass- oder Power Sapphire-Uhrengläser, um Sonnenlicht in AKKUENERGIE umzuwandeln“. 


    „Garmin solar watches use either Power Glass or Power Sapphire watch crystals to convert sunlight into BATTERY power“.

    So Garmin clearly says that the energy gained is added to the BATTERY. Note: this is exactly how all solar watches I know work.

    Further, Garmin says :

    "The following affects solar charging:“


    “Regardless of whether the clock is on or off“.


    „Solar charging CAN be done when the watch is off and MAY result in a higher CHARGE than when the watch is ON at the same solar intensity.“

    So we summarize. Garmin clarifies that the energy obtained from the solar cell goes into the BATTERY

    Garmin also provides pictogram explanations of how the DISPLAY behaves at certain sun angles.

    These displays ONLY work when the watch is turned ON.

    From everything provided here, you can determine that the battery is also charged in the ON state.

    Actually, these words are enough to clear up the misunderstanding.

    I repeat:
    Quote :
    um Sonnenlicht in Akkuenergie umzuwandeln“


    „to convert sunlight into BATTERY energy“. 

    US : 

    Edit : 

    And also the manual says it quite clearly :

    "Die Solarladefunktion der Uhr ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Uhr WÄHREND DER VERWENDUNG aufzuladen.“

    translation : 

    „The solar charging function of the watch allows you to charge the watch while using it.“ 

    US : 

  • And that is exactly as I understand it. It's never going to significantly charge my watch, and I don't expect it to, as I'm pretty much always connected to external sensors and whilst cycling I use my Garmin head unit as an external display and the data is broadcast from my watch. As stated earlier, I'm more than happy with the 10ish days life that I get including around 10 hrs of activity, so solar charging doesn't bother me one way or the other. I only chipped in to mention the fact that I have first hand experience of Fenix 7 Sapphire battery life increasing during solar exposure.