Fenix 5x on v14.2 won’t save activities

Help: My Fenix 5x on 14.2 randomly hangs whilst trying to save an activity. I ended up having to reset the device and there is no data. I connect to Garmin connect mobile everyday so there is no pending activities. Shouldn’t the watch overwrite the oldest activity... I’m sure it always did on other Garmin devices .. 

  • sounds similar to a bug I've experienced over the past year and garmin refuses to fix it

    I think it has to do with too many files saved on the watch, not how much total storage is used

    you can delete the last activity and then start a new activity and it will work until you start a new activity

    may be able to fix it by deleting the hundreds of old files in  \GARMIN\SLEEP  and  \GARMIN\MONITOR

    for some reason the watch does not clear them out, even if months old

    see here for more of my post:  www.reddit.com/.../

  • Thanks for the tips, I was looking for other places where data was stored, I’ll check out the sleep and monitor files!!