Bad quality on the QuickFit? 26 Watch Bands, Flame Red Silicone

Great quality control and good materials. On the left a new band (red flame). On the right a band with 3 months of use (orange flame ). I have not used soaps. Only 10 swimming activities at sea. I wash my watch with fresh water after each activity
  • Answer from Garmin Spain:
    "Gracias por contactar con Garmin Iberia.
    Le comunicamos que tras observar las fotograf?as, podemos ver que es un desgaste muy normal, ya que la exposici?n al sol y de la utilizaci?n, puede perder parte de la coloraci?n. Gracias.
    Saludos/ Best Regards
    Servicio Post Venta-- Garmin Iberia
    T.(+34) 93 2754497 | F: (+34) 93 4294484 |"
    If it is normal, the quality of the materials are really really bad
  • Thank you for contacting Garmin Iberia. We inform you that after observing the photographs, we can see that it is a very normal wear and tear, since the exposure to the sun and of the use, can lose part of the coloration. Thank you. Greetings / Best Regards After Sales Service-- Garmin Iberia - translation via google (sorry, I dont speak spanish ;)

    I am surprised that some branches provide new band and some not. I bought original garmin metal band, it is very convenient event for sport activities and I am happy, although cost 130 eur, it worth in my opinion.