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Instinct - 19.01 Public Release Candidate

Hello Instinct customers,

Please read the instructions below to update the software for your Instinct device. We've made some changes to how we deliver beta updates for our customers, so this forum post is now the primary resource for reading the change log notes – they are not available on another webpage. We look forward to your feedback!

19.01 Change Log Notes (changes since 18.54):

  • Fixed issue where daily active calories total could be incorrect.
  • Fixed potential issue with activity Power Mode Auto Enable setting.
  • Fixed potential graphical issue with Battery Saver watch face.
  • [Tactical] Fixed issue where HR Broadcasting could be enabled in Stealth Mode.

New Software versions listed are in red.

  • System Software19.01
  • BLE/ANT/SNS: 1.60 

Instructions for updating software:

  • Download the .zip folder containing the update HERE
  • Connect the watch to your computer.
  • Unzip and copy the included gupdate.gcd file to the Garmin folder on your watch.
  • Disconnect the watch from the computer and it will prompt you to update software.

For any issues that you encounter, please send an email to [email protected]. In your email please include the software version, and a detailed description of your issue, along with any steps to reproduce. Please note that you may not get a response to the email unless we need more information on the issue you report.

  • why such confidence? Are there any comparisons with new firmware?

  • if anything, I use a chest strap connected to magene's Garmin with Aliexpress. with firmware 18.54 and it seems to work fine.

  • Well, to be honest, I have to admit that the "18.10 is the best choice" Is only my subjective opinion based on two things - there are still trackpoint labels shown directly on the map (I don't see aShrug reasonable reason why this capability has been removed in newer FWs. Instinct 2 can't show labels on the map neither. Since the realease, as far as I know... But why, Garmin, why?!ShrugRolling eyesRolling eyesOk handSee no evil) and the alt. sensor seems to work almost perfect now. +-3m difference from the DEM data after activity ends. It was +- 60m before. That's it.

  • I don’t know how anyone, but 18 54 is stable for me, since I use it only for cardio and for strength, but as for strength, there are inaccuracies in counting repetitions, the only thing is that they were in other firmware starting from 16.0, so it doesn’t matter. I understand that this watch is already old, but their case is stronger than that of Garmin instinct 2, although instinct 2 has more functions that I don’t really need. only autonomy is 2 times higher, but it's not worth it Garmin instinct, a good watch and you can wear it for at least 3-5 years, or until the battery dies, and this may not happen soon, and it makes no sense to change the battery in them, it's easier to buy new. here is an opinion. Garmin instinct and other models of Garmin watches are for real men and athletes, and everything else like apple watch and Samsung are toys for children. and Garmin can save life and bring it out of the forest. and work for a long time. I bought it and have never regretted it.

  • My battery drain dramatically. :( Yesterday I got 17days battery life but the same day at 8pm my watch turn off:( because 0% battery. Anyone have solution ?

  • I have just gotten the update a few days ago and immediately my watch started going from full charge to shutting off in 10 hours with normal use just using it to tell time. I have not tried using it in an activity due to not having confidence I would be able to finish activity before It shuts off

  • Hello,

    after the update 19.01 all sensors stop working. No temperature, altimeter, etc. Disappointed