Windows 11 v InReach Mini v USB Synch - am I the only one unable to get Windows 11 to recognise my InReach Mini via USB?

Am I the only one running Windows 11 who cannot get Win 11 to find my InReach Mini via USB Synch? I have followed all suggestions on the Garmin website . Including full factory reset. Doesn't work via direct connect to Dell laptop Or via a port on the Dell docking station.

Is Garmin going to announce support for Win 11 for their synch apps Garmin Express and inReach Sync?

  • Bingo. Problem solved. Thanks to Garmin-Leslie and twolpert for your knowledge and assistance. I cycled through five micro USB cables until one of them actually mounted the device in addition to charging. I had not previously known that not all micro USB cables are the same. Looks like most are wired only for charge, while others are also wired for data transfer. That seems like a fundamental flaw in the standard specification for micro USB cables internationally.

    Thanks again.

  • Depends on where you get your cables. Cables which come with devices (GPS receivers or phones, for example) are always data transfer cables. Cables which come with power sources (that dumb wall wart you bought on Amazon, the really expensive power bank, or the solar charger) may well be charge-only. They save a few pennies by leaving 2 wires out of the cable.

  • Agree - but like you said - these cables proliferate like mice - I've got a drawer full of them - the specification for micro USB should have added "but if your cable is pinned for BOTH charge AND data synch, then mark it accordingly". Anyway.