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Adding Maps To inReach Explorer Plus

I use a Garmin GPS around the world and have a number of topo maps on micro-SD chips that I can put in the GPS depending on where I'll be. I've been reading about the new inReach Explorer+ and it says it comes with topo maps of the USA preinstalled. What I can't seem to find out is whether or not you can drop in a "map chip" when you're outside the USA. If not, is there a way to add maps when you travel?

Is there internal storage that can be used to store a downloaded map? How would you do that? Would you risk erasing the topo USA map that's already there?

I wish Garmin would publish more detailed information about the new inReach. I'm not going to buy one if it doesn't do what I want it to do and I can't seem to find my answers on the Garmin website.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 7 years ago
    Anyone know if you can load GPX file into the Earthmate app? I see that all my historical tracking is available online through, but once I clear the tracks on the device, they are also removed from the Eartmate app. I know you can export the GPX file online, but not sure how to add it to the app.

    Most GPX files are mixed track and waypoints. The original inReach programming calls for a pure track file to be loaded. You have to edit all waypoint sections out that are not germane to the track and make sure the nesting is set so the track is on the top level. If you have several tracks involved and they are not normally interconnected, you will find they will be connected with a long straight line from beginning to end depending on the order of load.
  • Good to hear from you, TL.

    After cutting waypoints from a gpx file with 2 tracks, make a copy of the file. Then cut the first track from one file and the second from the other.