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Mk2 Descent?

Hello All,

when will a Mk2 Descent with music comes to live? Any idea?

Thank you for your help.
  • Is a transmitter ai really important for a backup computer? Its a poor decision if true but not a complete deal breaker for me, ratio idive tech+ is a great dive watch but also have proprietry ai transmitters and if i got that i would get another dive computer as main such as perdix or istc, but im hoping someone will create an app that allows the watch to recieve lower frequencies akin to the diving app for fenix 5 DiveIQ if its not compatible, it all depends on whats possible and of course cost, need details and hands on reviews

  • Is a transmitter ai really important for a backup computer?

    It is for me.  I already have a Perdix AI and I had an Oceanic Atom 3.0 as my AI backuo (until it died recently). I liked having the AI on two computers so that if one computer failed (as my Atom did) I could continue the dive and still have a convenient way to track my gases. 

    I also have a Mk1 so the Mk2 without AI would not provide anything on top of what I already have.  It already looks like the Mk2 is going to be a lot more expensive that the Mk1 was, even without having to buy 3 extra transmitters.

    I don't believe my situation is all that unique and think a lot of people may already have PPS transmitters and/or dive computers that use PPS transmitters.

    Software alone won't let you receive RF.  The appropriate hardware needs to be in place.  Also, the AI needs to be incorporated into the dive software on the watch already so I think a software solution is likely.

    It is remotely possible that the Mk2 could support PPS transmitters, but then why would they bother making and selling their own transmitters if everyone is going to by the PPS ones (which are likely to be cheaper).

  • Reddit said MK2 will will be releasing 21 OCT 2020. With preorders early October. They will ship 15 OCT.

    We will see...:-)

  • i really want to see only the price.not very hopeful though, cause i am pretty sure it will be too high to bother...

  • There are two dates, late october for poster based in us (i presume based on posts in profile) and november 5th for, likewise, one based in new zealand, so its imminent 

  • Don't know how valid it is. But it comes closed to release.

    price looks also good for me.

  • Thanks for sharing the info!

    It seems that you can choose an AI version and a cheaper non-AI version.

    Even if you decide to spend the $ 1.500 on the MK2I version the Descent T1 Transmitter is not included. So therefore, you must calculate additional appx $ 300 – 400 per transmitter……

    So, the price (including 2 transmitters) will be around $ 2.100 – 2.300 (depending on the final price of the transmitters) – That’s really not cheap and much more than the price from the other dive computers.

    Shure the MK2I will be absolute benchmark but does that justify this high price?


    BR Martin

  • Looks like the page is not available. Here a scrennshot