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Why approach X40 shows different distance than venu 2s?


I bought a new garmin Venu 2S, and I am using it from time to time to play golf. Usually I use my old approach X40. Recently I found out the 2 watches shows different course distance... and the difference in some cases is around 2KM... which is not a short distance.. :((

I took pictures using both watches at the same time, amd the final results... my golf playing was s... but at least I made the point of both watches not showing the same... ;))

Any explanation? I have installed all the updates to both watches... and still the same...


  • Hello, we might need to check the units setting on your Venu 2s. Press and hold the menu button in (bottom right) and then select Gear icon > System > Units and make sure the device is set to yards. 

  • Why should I set it to yards? I’m living in Spain and we are using metric system - meters  or in this case kilometers. This is what I have in Both watches.

  • My Venu 2s is also taking really long to acquire signal. To the point where it’s getting annoying. Easily half a minute. My Fenix 7s will get a GPS lock 2-3 seconds after leaving the house. Maybe the price omegle we have to pay for miniaturization?