What's the fastest way to export the GPX for a track?

I usually export the recorded track in GPX format for my devices in order to improve OSM maps for the specific area. 

iPhone app -> just export it from the track page

Garmin Fenix -> sync the activity with Connect app, access the Connect web app, open the activity -> click the wheel icon and export GPX

inReach Mini -> sync with earthmate, open explore web app, enter the map, filter for last activity, click the tracks category -> click the share button and click the GPX, all of this in Chrome because, as Support confirmed this morning, Safari and Firefox are not supported (former doesn't download because of site error visible only in Console, the latter doesn't even log in to explore).

I mean, really? I thought the process for my Fenix watch was already convoluted, given that I need to login from an iPad/Mac to export something that's already visible on the iPhone, but with the inReach it's such a nonsense! 

Do you know any faster export the GPX?

  • Not for the Mini. The Mini is half-legacy (still uses Earthmate) and half Garmin (gets f/w updates via Express). Cannot mount its file system (if any) in Windows or Mac. Newer iR devices (starting with the 66i and continuing with the 7x0i) are full members of the Garmin handheld ecosystem. In particular, you can cause them to save the "activity" as both .gpx and fit (the default is .fit alone - because who wouldn't want the data in a proprietary format that nobody but Garmin can read Slight smile).

    Bottom line is that this allows you to do what you do with ANY handheld. Just copy the .gpx file from the device.

  • So, the sort answer is no.

    I understand it’s an older device, but as soon as it’s synced with an iPhone o with a website, anything it’s possible. An export button for each and every track/activity would cost close to zero, and I know what I say: I’m a developer myself.

    It seems they don’t like users to share data to the outside. It’s a choice, not a technical limitation.

  • I'm just reporting what I know of the current situation. And pointing out that better alternatives are available.

    If you want to submit a formal enhancement suggestion, you can do so here: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/forms/ideas/

    However, from what I have seen, the Earthmate app is not under active development. So it's unlikely to be enhanced. Never hurts to try, though. The more people who request a particular feature, the more likely it is to be incorporated.

  • I'm just reporting what I know of the current situation. And pointing out that better alternatives are available.

    Well I understand your point but for my needs, and given that I already get out with two digital devices/copies of a route plus a paper one, a bigger, heavier and pricier sat communicator wouldn’t better: in fact it would be worse.

    I’ll pass a feedback to them and as June approaches let’s hope next iOS version will force them to improve the app just a touch. Who knows.