Shared location but location not showing on

Was testing my inReach Explorer by going to tracking, share, and then sent to a gmail account. The device sent an email message illustrating I was sharing my location at

However, when I went to the web site, my location was not showing up.

Any ideas? Sharing is enabled in my inreach settings.

I did a "share location" from the location icon and that appeared to work, although via a different web
  • I'm confused. If your "location was showing up" on the share site, where is the problem?

    Going to assume you meant "is not showing up". In order for tracks (or anything else) to appear on your MapShare page, you must turn MapShare on from the Social tab of your account at I assume you've done this part, or you would not have a MapShare URL. (I'm assuming that XXXXXX is a placeholder for your real MapShare page.) In addition, the MapShare settings and the MapShare filters must permit the data to be shown. You need to be concerned with the start date (if one is specified, only data on or after that date is shown) and the visible collections (only data in collections marked as visible will appear).

    It appears that collections are still a work in progress. Check the sidebar on the map page (at to see where your tracks appear. Chances are it's still the generic Library "collection". Whatever it is, make sure it's visible in the MapShare filters.

    Note that messages you send from the device do not show up on the MapShare page unless you include MapShare as a recipient on the message.

    Various methods of "sharing" can be confusing. If you send a normal message to someone via email or SMS, the message contains your location. By the time it reaches the recipient, it also contains a link to a web page with a map showing the location. For email messages, that page also has a pop-up which allows the recipient to reply to your device. The pop-up is not present on the page linked from an SMS message, since the recipient can reply directly to the SMS. Neither of those pages is your MapShare page.

    However, when you send the "starting my trip/follow along" message, the link (which starts out as DOES point to your MapShare page (after redirection). SO, if your track and other information does show up there, it should ALSO show up when you navigate to your MapShare page ( directly.

    Do be aware that what you see on your MapShare page and what your friends see may be different. In particular, if you are logged into your account when you visit your MapShare page, it shows more data than your friends might see. Because Garmin uses single sign-on across all its properties, this may also occur if you are logged into the forums with the same credentials you use for your inreach account. I find that I can most reliably see what my friends see if I open my MapShare page in a different browser than the one I use for the forums and the pages.

    I know that's confusing. Ask more questions on what is still unclear.

  • Sorry for the confusion....I updated my original message to illustrate my location was not showing up on the MapShare page. MapShare is enabled and I did check the filters...should only show locations newer than 1 Apr.

    When I sent the the "starting my trip/follow along" message, the link shows up in the message, but the actual location is not illustrated on my MapShare page. I will try a test again tonight.


  • I looked at my filters again and noticed the "library" one wasn't checked. I checked it and location data now appears on the MapShare page.

    Thanks for letting me know about the login...I noticed I see one thing on my desktop (i.e. more data) than what I see via an iPad that isn't logged in.
  • I send messages to my wfie ... "i'm starting Here".    It sometimes work.  // However, I would like my wife to be able to see me on the trail.  I have had no success with this. Any advice?

    Wait ... she just showed me ... and my track is there.

    It's werid.

    Then it was on for my entire drive.
