Course navigation issues

I'm having a couple of issues with navigation of Courses on my GPSMAP 67i (device software version 7.60). Maybe I'm not fully understanding how this functionality should work, so looking on some input on what I'm seeing.

In Garmin Explore app I created a simple Course as a loop around my block, consisting of 7 points. The start and end location are the same, so it is a round trip. Also in Explore I modified the icon of the points. This ensures they are shown as pins on the GPSMAP and are seen as Course Points.

Now when I navigate this course using Direct Path routing, the Distance to Next and Distance to Dest. data fields show the same value and this seems to be the distance to the first/last point of the course. This does not happen when I navigate the course using Roads & Trails routing. This also does not happen when using a Course that is not a loop (ie start and end points are not at the same location).

The active route page shows the same distance for each point (looks to be from my current location to the start / end of the Course), except for two points that show a very large value and time (looks like some kind data type overflow issue).

When I navigate the Course using Roads & Trail routing, a different course is actually loaded when I load the course from the device itself. When I start the navigation from the Garmin Explore app, the correct course is loaded.

Anyone else experiencing these issues?

  • I see. This would be truly terrible because how in the world is it possible that a stand alone navigation device has to rely on a smartphone for its basic operations. Garmin is making it very difficult to justify any purchase of their devices. 

  • Hello I have the issue where it changes the course after I click go also. If I create the Course on the Garmin itself it works as designed. Have you found a way to get it to work correctly using the app or basecamp. 

    When I navigate the Course using Roads & Trail routing, a different course is actually loaded when I load the course from the device itself. When I start the navigation from the Garmin Explore app, the correct course is loaded.
  • The only workaround I found was to start navigation from within the Explore app.

    I suggest you report this issue to Garmin support US, the more people report it the more likely it gets fixed.

  • I called them this morning. For the routing issue, the fix was a setting. It does not make sense to me but it fixed it. Change under setup, routing course navigation to Direct Path. This fixed the issue in my 700i and my 67i. 

    direct routing, no

    activity hiking

    lock on road, no

    course navigation direct path

    course alerts on

  • Well to be honest that's not really a resolution from Garmin Support. The issue is that loading the wrong course only happens when you have Course Navigation set to Roads&Trails. If set to Direct Path the correct course is always loaded.

    So if you want to use Roads&Trails Course navigation, which is a valid use case, then the will happen and the only workaround that I could find was to start course navigation from the Explore app instead of from the device itself.

  • that’s the part that does not make sense to me, the GPS still is using roads and trails in my test. I am not sure exactly what the setting is actually changing.

  • When course navigation is set to Direct Path, and you load a course, the navigation experience will be the same as following a track: a breadcrumb trail on the map. You get a warning if you stray from the path, but you won’t get directions to return to the path if you deviate.

    With Roads&Trails the unit will use the actual map data to map the loaded course to the roads and trails on the active map. When veering off the path, you will get navigation instructions on how to return to your planned course.

    So there’s actually quite a difference in how both course navigation modes work.

  • That is exactly what I found out this weekend and it not beeping is just as bad as it sending on a different course.  

  • What do you mean with "it not beeping"? When using Direct Path course navigation, you should get an audible alert when going off course. The distance the device uses to determine when you are off course can be configured via Setup > Marine Settings > Marine Alarm Setup > Off Course Alarm. Not really an obvious location for this setting, but it is what it is!

  • I would get an off course beep still, however if I came point where I needed to make a turn off the trail to another trail or road it did not beep to tell me about it. The GPS did not even have the normal arrow to point out the turn. Also the Trip computer did not know the distance to next and other data was missing from the trip computer.