My distances are horribly short. Driver is about 50-80 off no club is within 25 yards of accuracy.
My distances are horribly short. Driver is about 50-80 off no club is within 25 yards of accuracy.
I guess the only way to find out what actually happens is to compare data between indoor and range.
Not that much data that actually are being measured by R10, so differences should be possible to spot and fins a pattern.
R10 measures:
- Clubhead speed: not really important for distance measurement, but should give a smash factor which should tell more about the quality of the strike
- Ball speed: important for calculating distance. Also used for calculating smash factor (smash = ball speed / club speed)
- Launch angle: important for calculating distance. Too low normally means less distance, but also too high could result in less distance.
- Launch direction: probably little impact on distance calculation.
- Back swing and down swing time: I would assume not used for distance calculation.
So then the question is which of these measured parameters changes from indoor to range?
I have currently no possibility to hit indoor, so cannot find out myself. But for distances to be 20-25% off there must be a hughe change in one or more of these measured parameters.
Back spin is not measured, so if that changes some measured parameter must have changed in order for the software to believe back spin has changed.
So, if club speed is the same, ball speed is the same, then it can only be launch angle or launch direction or both. Which of course can be misread from reflections indoor. But outdoor hitting into a net?