Club speed/ smash factor

I tried my new R10 on the range for the first time yesterday and I got some strange readings. I think the club velocity is read/calculated to low, at least when I use my driver. I had the G80 earlier and my typical club speed with my driver was 95 mph. As the example below show, my club speed is 84 mph which seems way to low. The smash factor is, as a result, also way to high. There is not possible to get a smash factor of 1.59, the best I can hope for is around 1.42- 1.45 on a good day. If I apply a normal smash factor to the ball speed of 134 mph I get a club speed of 94 mph which is more inline with what I would expect. Anyone else having the same issue? My unit is running on v. 3.40

I have also read a lot in this forum about the importance of alignment of the unit. To get it perfectly lined up with the target line I understand (that is also given in the manual) since the measure things like launch direction ect based on this line. However, some people take about the need of having the unit (the tripod) completely level with the range mat. If that is a factor, how does the unit "measure" driver shots using different peg heights? Any thoughts on this?

  • Is the R10 is not taking a club speed reading until after it senses a ball strike? If that's the case how will I know what the club head speed is on impact? 

    So the main question is when is club speed measured? And... Can we just get a mode to measure swing speed without a ball strike? 

  • Same for me!! Also stucks the Club Path round 12R....??

  • the new firmware is 3.60, give that a try, see if that helps. (yes, those numbers seem off, I think their algorithms for guessing or estimating data is off)

  • I updated last weekend to 3.60. My feeling says it is become worse.....

  • My Irons are more accurate, however my woods and driver are 50 yards off distance. My average drive on a Golfzon range is 275, my average with R10 is 220. Same with my woods.  Also I tend to hit a fade and the r10 registers it as a left pull.  I need to do a lot of work to get this POS even workable.  I have it at the right distance.  Use an alignment stick and have put it on a book same height as the turf at the range.  This hasn't made any improvements to my woods accuracy. Also at least once a session on home tee hero the thing bugs out and won't register any shots, goes straight to standby mode when you shoot no matter how many times I turn it off and on. Need to exit the app and go back to driving range hit a few shots then reload the course. Fortunately it saves the round and no need to start over. Totally unimpressed with the device atm.

  • You mentioned overhead fans and concrete floors causing interference in another post. I have had the same issues. Had to eliminate the fan and suffer the mosquitoes as well as roll out some construction paper over the patio concrete. And it seems the device has to be perfectly level to give good numbers. I also am using RCT balls hitting into a net. With these adjustments, the numbers look very good.