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Shift work and Sleep tracking

I seem to be having some issues with the sleep tracking as I'm a shift worker and my sleep patterns are highly variable.

Best way to highlight my issues is to give an example, slightly simplified: (default bed time is set to 0000hrs to 0800hrs and I use the buttons on my watch to set sleep on/off to get actual values)

Monday I changed over from day to night shifts - woke up at 0800hrs after 7 hours sleep, had a 3 hour nap in the afternoon -> sleep page for that day shows 7h sleep + 3h nap = 10h... so far, so good

Tuesday I got home from work and ended up sleeping from 1200hrs till 2000hrs -> sleep page for that day shows 8h sleep (default bedtime 0000hrs to 0800hrs) + 8h nap (watch sleep on/off period 1200hrs to 2000hrs) = 16h -> it thinks I've had two 8 hour sleeps... obviously wrong, so I corrected my actual hours asleep to match reality... it still shows 16 hours sleep... except now it's counting the same 8 hour period twice rather than two separate 8 hour periods like it was before... likely because it's still deciding the button press period is a nap, not sleep time so won't override it with the manual setting.
Not winning here, so I set the sleep time to 00:00hrs - 00:00hrs -> sleep shows as 0h, nap as 8h... not ideal, but I can live with that.... except when I view the sleep trend, it only shows "sleep" not total, so looks like I didn't sleep that day... at the end of this run of nightshifts, it's going to look like I haven't slept in 4 nights.

I accept that my situation is more complex to handle/code for, but shift workers aren't exactly rare, and honestly, sleep tracking/trending is going to be more helpful to us than it is to people who work 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday and have a fairly steady bedtime. It looks like the fix would be relatively simple... there currently is some criteria being triggered that excludes my button presses for sleep on/off on the watch from being counted as sleep time and forcing it into nap time instead... likely because it falls totally outside the default bedtime.... I can kind of see why this is happening under normal circumstances, but when i update my actual sleep time, if it overlaps, it needs to realise and flip the nap back to sleep to avoid double counting.
  • I'm doing fine with a big time window. As long as I sleep into the window or sleep before it ends it works.

  • It is also very annoying that the ZZZ (sleep mode) comes on while at work about half the time and now I can't see steps, heart rate, etc., without having to manipulate the watch.  Google says 25% of the population works some sort of shift work...

  • At least on my watch (Forerunner 965) you can specify in Sleep Mode settings if you want to use Do Not Disturb mode while in the sleep window. And Do Not Disturb settings allow you to specify if you want always-on-display and/or wrist gestures to be changed. So maybe by changing those settings you'll get the behaviour you wish?