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Segments and privacy

I'm probably being paranoid, but it's my job ;)

All my rides are shown only to me, but I'd like to participate in leaderboards (that option is checked). But I understand that my activities have to be public to show up in segment leaderboards.

On a segment that I created recently, I can see the leaderboards and if I click on the profile of the riders on the leaderboard I can see that almost all of the time it will say "riderx only displays some information publically". Fine, they want their profile private, I can't see any of their rides unless I click on their leaderboard 'effort' for a segment, then I can see their whole ride, including most likely their start/end point which in most cases is going to be their home.

This seem odd to me, it seems to me that if your name is on a leaderboard, any complete stranger can see your entire ride and not just the few miles before/during/after the segment. They wouldn't be able to find the activity by clicking on your profile, but a quick glance at some local segments and you can find people's rides.

  • I live on a road. A popular segment on that road runs right past my front door. If I create a privacy zone around my home with a radius of 1km, it seems to follow that nobody would be able to see my achievements for that segment.


    Oh no, that would be terrible.

    There are various ways to fix this, a simple privacy zone around your home like Strava, or how about just showing the segment that the rider rode and omit all other parts of the ride, there could still be a summary of the other rider's activity in terms of total miles, average speed etc, but the actual route taken could be suppressed based on permissions the rider allows (friends see route, groups see stats, everyone sees segments (and only segments) if the rider has ticked 'participate in leaderboards').

    And that's me out of this thread, I think we have established the consensus. It's up to Garmin to do something about it, or not, it's like banging my head against a brick wall and I don't know why I'm bothered - Strava already has a solution.

  • Yes i agree, i don't want the pro bike thief knowing my address and start points etc. Segment only data is fine.
  • +1. Privacy Zone feature is a must in order for me to actually share my activities and participate in the segment leader boards.
  • I, personally, don't start my Garmin recording as soon as I leave my house. I use a different location to be the start and end point of my rides, albeit the end of a street near to where I live, but not my street. I'm sure the residents of that street often wonder why I ride up and down it regularly.