The new web home page is a JOKE

I tried the beta and went back  to the good non beta that shows all the info I want in a manner I want to see it, then when i logged in this morning i was confronted with this

And on pressing the blue button I was confronted with this

This is of little use to me really as even with in focus turned on  as I have now gives me very little useful info like my dashboards used to

  • MASSIVELY dislike the new webpage. 
    It's nothing like as flexible as the modular look was.  
    I cannot access the information in a format that I use (we're all different) & it actually takes us longer to find/see the data we want to.
    Also the simplicity of hitting a back-arrow to see the previous days stats on any module was perfect.  Why on earth haven't they bothered to add such a simple & fundamental thing to this "improvement"?
    Garmin, this wasn't an improvement as there was nothing wrong with the previous platform.  This is merely change for chang's sake.

  • Your suggestions are counterproductive. You yourself claimed that you didn't use the dashboard as much, and now you suggest advice to people who used them heavily. Your suggestions are too - not to use the dashboard (new or old) just the links.

    I had my first Garmin more than 10 years ago. With time I learnt than garmin connect is a large and essential point of the experience - easy access to my personal activity analytics, instead of manually managing excel files. The dashboard provided many complex data analytics at a single view, with minimal scrolling and clicking. Now every small piece of information is many clicks away. By your advice, I need to replace the dashboard by 20 links, and instead of getting all the information I need REALLY in a single glance, spend 10-15 minutes to gather all the pieces. It wont do, not for me and not for anybody. I recommended many people buying the garmin watch because of garmin connect. The watch is just a sensor, what you really want (when you buy garmin) is the analytics (and ease of use of them, otherwise it is pointless).

    Let's see how the Garmin stock will react to this crap. At the end, if they didn't want to listen to all the beta testers, they will be forced to listen to the board of directors. Excuses and good intentions don't save a crappy product.

  • Your suggestions are counterproductive. You yourself claimed that you didn't use the dashboard as much, and now you suggest advice to people who used them heavily. Your suggestions are too - not to use the dashboard (new or old) just the links.

    The suggestions are the opposite to counterproductive. Since those functions have been removed you have to use other ways to see the data and using the links directly will do that.

    Submit suggestions for change to Garmin and use the links until we get other ways of accessing the data.

  • They IGNORED the comments and suggestions from those in the BETA so what makes you think they will give a damn if we make any further suggestions lol..As too "Since those functions have been removed you have to use other ways to see the data and using the links directly will do that."  HUH so basically instead if actually try to get things changed as you suggested your suggestion is to find long wind ways round the issues that was NEVER an issue in the original app or web app.... yep I got ya buddy..... Fix something they broke when it wasn't broke in the first place.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member 1 month ago in reply to e7andy

    Seriously, are you a Garmin  employee trying to convince people with silly suggestions? You obviously have not used the Garmin site to the level that others have, so if you love the new site so much go off and be happy, we are very much entitled to come here and voice our dissatisfaction with the appalling changes. 

  • I'm just trying to help people access the data they want to access. Complaining here will not help much. You are of course free to do that but it will not be constructive. Send your suggestions to Garmin. Try to move forward. Use the current state and suggest what can change for the better. For example: Add multiple Home pages like the dashboards, suggest what widgets you want to add, suggest how you want the widgets to look. I don't see that Garmin will move back on this.

    I use the web and app a lot, but I like to look at the data in more details so the dashboards were just a way to get links to the functions and reports I like to use.

  • why tolerate and get used to bad interface, to the products intentionally made bad?

  • You do know that it is just the dashboards that have changed? Everything else is the same so the change is actually very small. It might of course have a big impact on the users that only used the dashboards to look at the data. All the data is still there the same way as before.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member 1 month ago in reply to e7andy

    Oh wow, I can imagine the international uproar if we said that to our customers across the globe...all the data is still there, you just have to find new ways to get to it because we have butchered the front end/home page..LOL It is most definitely NOT a SMALL change, it is a massive change, the Dashboard is the most important tool to a user!