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I can't change the vo2max from connect web

Good evening. I go into the profile settings but that field is not editable.

Yet I remember having modified it a few months ago.

  • I preferred to run on the road so as not to mess up my heart zones of G.Connect.
    I upload the zwift FIT file manually to g.connect.

    Maybe this evening I will run on zwift and try to notice this possible error.
    thanks for the moment.

  • last night I did a run on zwift, I downloaded the FIT and loaded it on g.connect. Everything OK. The HR zones remained unchanged.

    Perhaps I previously had the error because I transferred the Zwift activity to a Garmin device to have it count the necessary km of a challenge.

    Mileage ridden on zwift does not count towards running badges.

    now I will have to start a treadmill session on the watch instead of loading the fit zwift