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Garmin Training Plans - Run Walk Run confusion

I'm doing Jeff Galloway's half marathon training plan and if the whole point of the training plans is that the plan tells me the interval lengths and what pace should I run, then why on earth there's this "Run Walk Run®" workout where only instruction you get is "Run 9,6km but pick your own pace and splits."

Now I first have to google suggested splits and they are of course only given mile/min so I need to convert those to international units. Then try to figure out how I can keep track of everything because my watch won't help with that.

The whole workout should be removed from the plan if Garmin can't calculate the splits for me!

  • I use your app and create new layout (1 data field). However, my yesterday training- Long Easy Run. After warm up time and go to Run but it shows “Waiting for RunWalkRun” with time counting all the times . I tried to push back/lap button but still not work. What wrong I make 

  • Currently the app looks at the text description of the workout phase and activates if it starts with "RunWalkRun".  Which training distance are you doing? Could you share what the full text for the workout is?

  • Jeff Galloway Half Marathon training Week 5 Hong Kong - Long Easy Run

    The program is warm up 5 minutes, run 17.7 km then cool down 5 minutes.

  • Bderush, Please find above my Long Easy Run week 7 of Jeff Galloway. I want to use your app for “Run segment or even whole workout.

  • Thank you. This is helpful. By default the data field will only turn on alerts during the " Run Walk Run -  Long Run" workouts. But if you are doing a time goal training they don't seem to introduce those until much later.  There is a new version of the data field available that *should* allow you to use the alerts with standard "Long Easy Run" workouts now too.  You will need to turn it on in Settings > Advanced Settings > "Enable Run Walk Run with Long Easy Run workouts".

    It is not the default because the training program wants people to run normally for the easy runs and then start to introduce specific Run Walk Run workouts later.  But many people want to try out the alerts earlier than that, so it is now an option with that setting.
    I hope it works for you! Let me know how it goes.
  • bderusha

    Great to know you make a new version to cover “Long Run” and explain the methodology of Jeff RunWalkRun. As Garmin only shows details of next 3 workouts, I mis-think to apply all RunWalkRun in all run workouts. Anyway, I tried new version in my week 7 Easy Long Run today (see above picture). It succeeded and worked smoothly. Many thanks!

    The screen display not only shows Run and Walk with timers but also the remaining distance! It is very helpful and informative! 

    Please consider to add “pace” as 3rd information as to remind or more easy to keep constant speed during run.

    One issue is loop in settings if further changes data field. After I set up new 1 layout display, if I amend data field and finally select your app again, it has to go to settings which show two options- Vibrate and Play tones but I am unable to finish the settings by press any buttons even “back” button. In some cases, I need to power off my 255 (or wait until it will return after certain time Weary). 

    I would thank again your contribution and support this wonderful app!Clap

  • I’m constantly amazed at how horrible and janky Garmins software is.  It’s like they’ve teleported the best programmers from 1998 to develop the UI and software.  Hardware is solid, but the user experience is unacceptable.  I’ve completely given up on using my Viviactive 4 for golf- it’s just impossibly unintuitive.  They need to blow up the software and start again.  They’ve been cobbling it together for too long.  

  • I totally agree. I don't understand why this has not been implemented beter. I am training for the half marathon and discovered this today. Really annoyed. I would not recommend the Garmin forerunner 245

  • Hi there,

    Reading your comments here and just wanted to check something with you…

    Got assigned my first Long Easy Run (in week 5 of my 10K training with Jeff), but it says nothing about Run-Walk-Run. Will this get specified in future runs, meaning I should just run this one in a continuous slow pace?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi, 

    No. As far as I can see it just gives these long runs. No guidence or anything. 

    What I did notice is that the goal tempo exercise will get longer, when you skip the long runs. The last goal tempo run was 10x times instead of the normal 6x times.

    I was surprised by this. That is a nice feature. I simply don't always have the time to do these long runs. 

    Ad I guess the way you are supposed to do the long runs is like the goal tempo exercise. High intensity run followed by a walk. But I still don't understand why Garmin didn't program that. 

    Good luck with your running!!