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Garmin Training Plans - Run Walk Run confusion

I'm doing Jeff Galloway's half marathon training plan and if the whole point of the training plans is that the plan tells me the interval lengths and what pace should I run, then why on earth there's this "Run Walk Run®" workout where only instruction you get is "Run 9,6km but pick your own pace and splits."

Now I first have to google suggested splits and they are of course only given mile/min so I need to convert those to international units. Then try to figure out how I can keep track of everything because my watch won't help with that.

The whole workout should be removed from the plan if Garmin can't calculate the splits for me!

  • Came here from googling the same thing. Agree that it is dumb and confusing. 

  • This video did not show up in my training feed even though I am supposed to do this workout today. Very stupid and frustrating.

  • Hi Folks,

    I was looking for a solution to the same problem to and accidently found a good workaround solution in my last run.

    Setup the built-in run walk timer to the desired strategy before starting the workout. Once you reach the run-walk stage of the workout, just press the lap button. You will then enter the cool down stage, press the lap button again. At this point, the planned workout has ended but you can resume and keep the same workout active. This way, at this point you are at a new lap (within the same workout) and now, the built-in Run-Walk time should work. Once you complete the desired distance, you can simply press the lap button again to do the required cooldown and then end the run. 

    This also gets saved as part of your coaching plan so you don't need to manually link it later.

    Essentially the run walk timer doesn't work within the custom lap but does work beyond the pre-programmed laps within the same workout.

    Hope this helps everyone.

  • Would marking laps work to mark splits?

  • Running strategies have to be determined by evaluation options during your training and see what seems to work best for you. There is not a one that  fits all and even Jeff cannot tell you what the best strategy is for you. You have to experiment by yourself to see.

  • I have used Fitness22's couch to 5k training software successfully in the past. This year I thought I would try to use Jeff Galloways  run walk run training for 5 k training. I find that Run Walk Run training is interesting and definitely to be considered. But for learning to run a 5 k I am not sure that Run Walk Run is the way to go. Perhaps for half marathons and marathons it's the ticket.  I am a fan of learning to gradually run longer time intervals through 8 week training courses like couch to 5k training eventually achieving 5 k distance without walking. The couch to 5k method of not worrying about distances but instead concentrating on running endurance and running technique confidence is the way to go for new runners. As your confidence to continually run linger distances and fitness increases your body will automatically increase your pace and improve your race times improve. I am in week 10 of Galloways training for 5ks and although my fitness is definitely improving  I am not very confident that I can run a full 5k without some interval walking. I would tend to buy into Jeff's run walk run philosophy if I was training for possibly 10ks,  half and full marathons but not for 5ks.I think you have to develop confidence in yourself first before you worry about running strategies.

  • It’s 2022 and this is still a problem. I have to spend more time on google trying to figure this out. I’ll probably delete it. 

  • If you read the materials to object is clear but the workout provided just doesn't implement it and I agree it should be dropped since it does not actually implement the workout described.

    As others have said there are tables to look up your interval timing based on your expected pace. The "run walk run" portion of the work out is meant to last for a fixed distance but be done in timed intervals of running and walking.

    If I were making a workout from this description I'd build timed intervals with a target pace to achieve the desired distance. Not exactly the same but pretty close. So it can be done in the existing Garmin framework, but is not done.

    What Garmin provides is an undifferentiated "run" segment of fixed distance which just isn't the workout proscribed by the plan. It should either be fixed or dropped.

    I Like the concept of Jeff's training plan but if I want to do it I guess I'll need to buy his book and design my own "workouts"

  • Garmin either is reacting to my post or I missed something because right after I complained explanations for the training plan showed up in my feed. Either way, I’m not motivated to use the coaching plans. When it’s 25 degrees and I’m running, I expect to be able to look at my watch for the next phase, not have to do research to figure out what’s next. 

  • I looked at my watch and all I saw was “lap button press” then”cadence drill” up until that day the workouts were clear-walk 4 min, run 5.