I was looking for this too and ended up creating a python scripts (based on some comments by trux from another thread) that exported all relevant content to a spreadsheet. Not all exercises have detailed…
Hello the problem is that we still do not know what each excersise is. There are several different names for each excersise and no standard, so we may know the excersise by different name. For example…
Is it somehow possible to just add an exercise that is not in the list? A lot of basic exercises that I do are not in the list like Arch Ups and the Couch Stretch. So, I have to pick something similar and comment the correct one, which is of course not ideal.
There are a lot of exercises in the list that don't have any animations or instructions. Will these be added over time or are they just not considered as popular? In which case what is the point in including them? Is it just assuming that the user knows what they are and does them as they know them when it comes round in the workout?
How ironic, I was looking for "butt kicks" too. Three years later and it still isn't there on the list. I;m trying to find to leg scissors for abs and all they have is Scissor Power Switch, whatever the hell that is.
Can you explain how you extracted the list in French? You changed the GC language and then? I was trying to do the same for an Italian list putting Italian language but the name of the exercise in the URL is still in English! Finally: how to extract the Italian translation?