It’s terrible.
Can we please just have the option to go to the old version
Utterly awful. Used to be clean, on one page and easy to see. Now have to scroll to find things. Poor work Garmin
I agree that it is terrible, I was so at home with the previous format and now am all at sea. Please can it be changed or give users the option to revert back?
No it’s awful. I am thinking of changing to another brand of running watch
I wonder if they had people on there who actually use Garmin products... frustrating. I have given feedback on the iPhone and Android app stores
Agree on all fronts, it’s awkward and unworkable
Please let me switch back! I only use steps, calories, weight and cycle. With the new format, the information that was all easy read in a row is now full of small info and mostly black tiles surunding it. I can’t have focus on as the only option in there that I use is steps which pushes the four tiles off the page, so that’s now switched off, so I have the same info in a much harder toead layout. It worked before as I could add and remove what I wanted to minimise noise but now there is just so much background on my screen. So much easier reading it before.
Please let me switch back!:( I only use steps, calories, weight and cycle. With the new format, the information that was all easy read in a row is now full of small info and mostly black tiles surunding it. I can’t have focus on as the only option in there that I use is steps which pushes the four tiles off the page, so that’s now switched off, so I have the same info in a much harder toead layout. It worked before as I could add and remove what I wanted to minimise noise but now there is just so much background on my screen. So much easier reading it before.
I don’t like at all! Really less functional than the old one. Please change it.
I don’t like it at all . Less functional, practical and honestly it’s really horrible to see. Please change it!
I agree the new home page is terrible. It is frustrating and annoying to find the information I want. Who on earth thought this update was a good idea?!?
No, most of the screen is empty space, a terrible design. Rejected this at beta, how it made it to release is mind-boggling
No. Is there a way to change it back?