New Garmin connect mobile updated home page

I cannot believe how bad the new Garmin connect home page is. Why remove the ease of viewing my day with one glance of the app?. Now have to scroll through the page to see all the info that was contained in my day section.  On top of that, the user has no ability to bring back the old display or edit it to something similar. This new update is so annoying I suspect my next smart watch won't be a Garmin.

Update:  Noticed Garmin forums removed the word "sucks" from my subject.  I'm adding it back in because it reflects my true feelings about this.  If this home page stays as is, I will no longer be a Garmin user for ANY of their products.


  • What happened that garmin decided to release Poop like this? It is hard to understand. 

  • Thanks garmin. This is my last watch from you. It's hard to believe why would you release Poop like this. 

  • I agree, this is HORRIBLE, what the he__ were they thinking, how can anybody be so incredibly STUPID!

    I suggest to make the old screen optional, then when everyone switches back to it, no one at Garmin will be able to deny the incredibly stupid, stupid thing they did, and they can put this horribly stupid idea to bed for good.

  • Absolutely AGREE 100% WHY, WHY, WHY CHANGE what was nearly perfect? Is Garmin deliberately TRYING to piss their customers off?

    I'm going to look at a different platform / brand for my upcoming REPLACEMENT of my Garmin Swim2 device. This re-arranging of the entire user interface is not just poorly thought out, but also is a moronic business decision. 

  • Update...I had reverted to the previous version and thought the nightmare was over...but this morning the new version was back, I guess we're getting it shoved down our throats. 

    I couldn't find a way to disable updates, tech support said there is not a way...if anyone has an idea, please post it for us.

    its a happy day over at Fitbit, their competition just committed suicide.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

    BTW, I saw two downloads, one for a bundle, and a second one labeled APK....since u mentioned apk I downloaded the second one

    Steps I used

    Downloaded the app

    Play store lownloaded APK app and gave it permissions 

    Uninstalled the abomination

    Installed the good Garmin app...during install I was prompted to go to a permissions settings page where I enabled the yellow 'folder' so I could install the good version

    Installed the good one and followed its prompts too hook it to my tracker

    Next I'm gonna SAVE the downloaded app for future phones

    Disable the enabled setting to install from that folder mentioned above for the downloads

    Uninstall the APK

    Find the setting in Connect to disable updates, I haven't found it yet...

    Again...big thanks!

  • Agreed, this is a sad and pathetic joke. GARMIN SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!!

  • Yep. BS. I tried it in Beta and hated it. I gave that as feedback and left the Beta. Now I don't have that choice?  Garmin was I REALLY the only o e that didn't like the Beta?  SO disappointed. Now you get one chance to pick a "focus" and have no option to reverse or edit it?  Terrible. BRING BACK OLD VERSION OF HOMEPAGE OR AT VERY LEAST ALLOW CUSTOMIZATION. 

  • I completely agree. Old layout was better. They should change it back or at least have it so that it can be viewed on one page. It's not my thumb that needs exercise!

  • The UI designer should be fired!

    I want the old UI back!