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Forerunner 245 frequently enters pairing mode

I recently bought a FR 245 for my girlfriend. After the initial setup, we frequently experienced the issue, that the watch enters pairing mode (shows 6 digits) whenever the phone (Samsung A51) is out of reach for a couple of seconds.

We already tried to disconnect and unpair everything before adding the device again, but this did not help.
We also followed all of the following tips:

Did someone else experience a similar issue?

  • My girldfriend experiences a very similar issue with a FR45s, paired with a Samsung A41. 

    We've tried to reset the watch, uninstalled connect, it helped for a while ... but is still occuring from time to time. 

    Sorry not to bring any help, only a similar experience. 

  • Ok, thanks for your feedback, at least we are not alone with the issue ;-)
    Let's see if someone in the forum has a way to fix this issue.

  • Try to see whether the following video helps:

  • Thanks trux, I once tried the two first steps (removing from GC and unpairing the watch from the BT devices), but not the last one (altough I've reset the watch and uninstalled GC instead). 

    The issue is intermitent so not straightforward to reproduce, it seems rather related to the phone than the watch (never occured with a previous phone).  I think it may occur after rebooting the phone or the watch battery being depleted and/or both being kept out of range for a while. 

    I'll try this next time this pops up. 

  • We contacted the Garmin support and got a solution that fixed the problem (for now, no pairing key appeared in the last two days).

    These were the suggested steps:

    • Synchronize your data to Garmin Connect using Garmin Express (Back up your personal watch settings)
    • Reset your watch to factory settings
    • Remove your watch from the Garmin Connect app, as well as from your smartphone's Bluetooth settings
    • Uninstall the Connect app again, and then turn off your smartphone completely for a few minutes. 
    • After turning it back on, reinstall the Connect app on your phone and log in with your usual user credentials
    • First, put the Forerunner 245 in pairing mode Pair the smartphone with the device - Forerunner 245 and then press "Add device" in the Connect app.
    • Enter the six-digit pin code that is displayed on the watch. 
    • Follow the further instructions of the Connect app
  • I tried a slightly different procedure with a FR45s, it did not help. 

    Only difference was - as far as I remember - that (after all resets/uninstalling - 6th bullet), I first did a "Add device" in Connect instead of putting first the watch in pairing mode. 

    Please let us know if your watch connectivity remains stable.