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Steps not calculating properly

My steps aren't calculating properly and I need help. I have images to show that my watch says 15k, garmin connect days 15k but my challenges say 13k. When it passes 12am (the next day) connect days yesterday I only got 13k. I have images if you need to see. Please see dates and times. 

  • This happens to me all the time!!! I started syncing my steps once I got my goal to make sure my streak wouldn't be broken, and you know what? Didn't fix anything. Synced it last night at step goal, and checked today and my streak is broken because apparently I was 233 steps short yesterday. I've called them up about this before and been told there's nothing that can be done to fix it. It really demotivates you! It's a big flaw with the app. I've had it occur on 2 different Garmin watches. 

  • I got disgusting customer service where they didn't read anything I said and just gave me links to look at which had nothing to do with what I needed. I am never buying garmin again after this. Im really unmotivated to do this considering it just keeps happening. They better fix up their crap. Not happy at all.

  • Oh those very unhelpful links, I've been there! I really hope they get their act together to. 

  • Hi there!!!!!!! I have the same problem! i swear this didnt happen before but I am pissed off. Everynight before I go to bed I take a picture of my watch, sync it a few times to my phone, and then I screenshot the steps and the step details. My Steps details are always off... worse so far, off b 1500 steps.

    The other day I called Garmin and told them. They told me to reset my watch. Did that, one week later the issue is still Occuring. I have emailed them screenshots, and even emailed their development team. I have not heard anything back.

    So I'm just going to spam them everyday on their facebook and post a collage of how inconsistent their app is. I am pretty sure its not the watch after seeing your pictures. I encourage you to do the same and make them listen to you an fix the damn problem. 

  • An idea could be that it is the timezone/time setting that causes this since it syncs correctly, but you get fewer steps when you check the day the next day.

    Why you see a different value in Step Details could be that it hasn't updated yet. The value you see under My Day is showing the value from the watch in more or less real time. That doesn't meen that it has synced it yet.

    Is your timezone setting correct?

  • I have checked my time zone. all good. My phone is also set to the network time (someone suggested that).

    Unfortunately the step details don't update the next day. The Garmin Server logs the lower step count. It doesn't "refresh". BUT garmin can manually tweak the steps. So, until this is resolved I will keep posting on Garmin facebook page my daily collage.

    What annoys me is Garmin should fix this issue! Whats the point with having a watch that logs steps but it doesnt actually log the correct steps??

  • Garmin support never helped me. I complained and they ran diagnostics and a few other tests and it never helped, it took them weeks to reply then I ended up leaving it for about a month and when I came back to it they never replied to my last email. I forwarded the whole conversation to the same email because they weren't replying and they then adding the missing steps on for that specific day in the pictures for this thread, and I was like wtf... this is an ongoing problem, amending my steps isn't going to fix it so I ranted about how their customer service was horrible and they didn't even read the whole email thread, then I get another email back apologising and asked how often it was happening, by then it had been weeks because they take so long to reply and I told them I returned the device to JBHIFI and I'm never going back to Garmkn, even though before I had that specific device, I thought Garmin was great. Good luck.

  • You're right about that, it's completely unacceptable. 

  • I am going to keep complaining and calling. This is unacceptable and I will continually mail their app development team.

  • I just can't understand how a big company gets away with this.