Calculated speeds?

What are calculated 2D and 3D speeds? Looks that they are showing very different values than recorded speeds.

Example below by Virb Edit 5.4.3 and Virb Ultra 30

  • This is introduced to recording on airplanes. Which you are obvious not doing ;)

    2D / 2D: Due to the possibility to fly in several directions, the speed is f.e. higher during a nosedive. This cannot be calculated via GPS alone, you have to add the barometric pressure data (climbing / dropping) to that. That is why there are these different possibilities in the speed gauges.

    Calculated: This data can be enhanced by the six axis gyroscope. The force will be respected into the calculation.

    But as you are going straight at the same height, without big waves rising the force-data, all the four values should be more or less equal Shrug tone1

  • Difference between 2D and 3D maps is clear, I think that 3D speed can be useful also for other sports where are height differences like mountain biking or skiing.

    I think that there is something wrong about the way which Virb Edit and Virb Mobile app uses to calculate distance between GPS points... My example video which is recorded close to sea level show that in such case recorded speed and recorded 3D speeds are almost same and also calculated 2D speed and 3D speed are very close to each other. The difference seems to be between calculated and recorded values.

    Virb Edit seems to be showing also overall distance to be longer than actual, so I guess that there is simply error in distance calculation method, which will also affect calculated speeds.

    Hopefully Garmin will take actions to fix this, for me the main reason using Garmin camera is G-metrix, but those are only usable if you have the software to ulilize them, so for cameras like Virb the good editing software which is maitained well is crucial, without that Virb is just another action cam which you can use to shoot video, and take the video file from the SD card for viewing.